Yeah, I know it is hard to hear, but you messed this one up a bit, and it is up to you to apologize. I am guilty of the same kinds of things, I want things to be perfect, and normal, and be a wonderful mom, even when the situation makes it difficult. Really, the parade was a big no no, but you know that. And, while he wont voice it, I imagine your husband is actually more grumpy because he is scared! Your health problems have scared him, and now he is stuck working his tail off, and hoping that things are ok on the home front. What a tough position to be in! We are not a family of fighters either, we have never called each other a name, nor mentioned the word hate, so I imagine you are just sick about it! The only way to really fix it is to acknowledge his feelings, and apologize. Explain that sometimes you get caught up in wanting the best, and struggle to find the balance when you are have to stop doing so much. Acknowledge that your son would not have cared about his birthday, but that you wanted to make special memories for him, and ask him if there is a time next month that you guys could try again, and schedule a fun family day. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in our own feelings we forget to think about our husbands. We are much more expressive than they are, but I am sure that he feels worse about not being there than you did. His wife is in pain, his son turned 2, and he had to work!! So, really, it is important to validate why he was concerned, and apologize...humbly and sincerely, take responsibility and it will get better. Good luck, I know how miserable you must feel about this one!!~A.~