How Long Do You Reward Going Potty?

Updated on May 13, 2011
M.S. asks from Minneapolis, MN
7 answers

We put our DD in undies about a month ago and the transition was fairly easy. She does both pee and poop on the potty by herself and has only had two accidents. We had her put stickers on the calendar for every day she went poop on the potty--two stickers for going by herself! And because getting her to poop at the beginning was such a chore we said she could watch a little tv (she doesn't get to watch tv) if she pooped. Well, now she is going consistently and still watching a few minutes tv every time. And doing stickers every night. I'm happy to reward her until she's 12 years old, I'm that happy that she is going! :) But realistically, what is a reasonable time to stop giving rewards, and how do you explain that you are stopping to a 3-year old? Thanks.

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answers from Kalamazoo on

Now since she is 3 maybe she could get to watch 30min of tv per day?? You could tell her that it's not going to be a reward for going potty anymore - that since she has grown to be a big girl with no more diapers, she gets to watch one 30min program everyday. I think 30min is fine at age 3! As far as the stickers, just tell her that was for when she was learning. Maybe give her a notebook or paper and a bunch of stickers at once as her final "potty graduation" reward!

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answers from Duluth on

We found with both our boys that the rewards quickly became less important. We gave a small sucker for going poop on the potty to our second, and despite his being a big-time sweets kid, he quickly came to the point where getting off the toilet and resuming his life was far more important than getting the sucker. We went through one package of dumdums, to give you an idea how long it took. We also conveniently "forgot" to mention it to him a number of times too--let him take the lead in asking for the reward. I was surprised, both times, with how little they actually relied on the reward to sustain them.


answers from Redding on

If they have the hang of it and doing well after a couple weeks, then Id say
"what a big girl/boy you are and now you get to have the sticker chart in your room and do it all by yourself!" Let them have it to stick stickers on anytime they want until a nice supply of stickers are gone and they will forget about it after a while. You can stop the candy reward by not buying more m&ms, and show them when they are down to the last few, and they will understand when they are gone. If they see m&ms in the store and try to remind you to get more potty rewards, just tell them you are such a big girl/boy, you dont need them anymore,, and besides, the dentist wont want you eating too many sugar bugs anyway. Then move on. (o:



answers from Detroit on

I just posted a similar question so I'll be reading the answers you get! Thanks for asking!



answers from Norfolk on

We just told my son that he was getting a reward when it was a new and difficult-to-master skill. But that now that he was doing it all the time, the reward was basically that he doesn't have to wear diapers anymore! You could always taper off the TV reward, "forget" to turn on the TV and see if she reminds you, or tell her you're going to only do the TV reward every other bathroom trip, etc. if you want it to be more gradual. Congratulations on your little girls' mastery of toilet training!



answers from St. Louis on

what would happen if you just didn't mention it? Sometimes, as parents, we angst over piddly little stuff that has no effect on the kids!

If she's truly into the stickers, then hand the control over to her. Let her be in charge of the process! & then just keep forgetting to buy more stickers....


answers from Chicago on

We did 12 weeks of rewards and sticker chart...when the chart was done, she was done and I told her she was a big girl and didn't need the silly little girl chart anymore. I still reward her for other things, but not potty. She was day and night trained in that amount of time. My daughter was 2 mos short of 3 and got the drift. We kept the chart as a memento for her...

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