This is going to be long, but I have strong opinions about this!
I think first that you have to look at how he was raised-my DH was raised in a very traditional house where mom did all the inside stuff and most of the raising kid stuff and dad did some raising kids stuff and all the outside stuff. So I expect him to parent as he has seen-they seem to have no instinct to child care like us moms-and if I feel it is something that needs changed, THEN I open my mouth, but when we were discussing having kids, we discussed our roles then and decided that I would do most of the kid stuff (i.e. changing diapers, up at night, feeding-mainly because I am the SAHM and my DH works 40+ hours a week and when he gets home, rather than having him cook and clean, I'd rather have him spend those couple of hours spending time with his boys and relaxing.
So here's what normally happens when I have to leave for a little bit at night (which I rarely do cuz I'm a home-body anyway), but before I leave, I either have dinner already cooking (like crockpot or soup) or have it on the table before I leave. I set out the things they all need to eat (plates, silverware, bibs, napkins, washclothes for after, dessert) and have even sometimes pre-filled their sippies (though my DH is perfectly capable-I just try to make my leaving-which is a change in our normal cycle-that much simpler for my DH and kiddos). I expect when I get home, the dishes will still be on the table and food still out-but I know that is going to happen so I have no other expectations so my feelings don't get hurt (in fact, if my DH would have done even a few dishes as yours did, I would have fallen over on the floor :-D).
For the kids (age 3 and 1), I always change the baby right before I leave (my DH will change diapers, but only if absolutely necessary-like a poopy or he's soaked) so he has a fresh start and then I make sure our area of diapers is stocked with diapers and wipes (the 3 year old is potty trained so don't have to worry about him). I also lay out changes of clothes for both kids "just in case" there is a blow-out or an accident and PJs if my DH is going to put them to bed before I get home complete with a diaper on the baby's pile.
Why do I go through all this? Because the first time I went out without the baby, my husband freaked and then sent me a nasty text because I had left him with no diapers and my son had blown out and he didn't know where his clothes were (plus he was nervous about watching the baby without me for the first time too)! And when I got mad at him for not knowing where his son's stuff was and insulted his parenting, I realized- why would he know where I *and I emphasize the "I"* kept the extra diapers and which drawer contains whose clothes-because I take care of those things when he is at work so he doesn't see that when I came home, I put the diapers in the basement! I felt awful and decided that I had two choices: I could either force my DH to take precious time wih his boys to follow me around so I can show him where everything is-or I could just take a little extra time before I had to leave to make sure things are set for him to make his life easier!
(As far as change in when getting kids to bed or getting baby out of highchair, I figure I am not there and my DH is a good parent so he can make decisions about that-and I know other moms will yell at me for it, but if the baby wasn't screaming, I would not have freaked about him still being in the highchair-I'm sure you DH saw baby having fun "finger painting" and decided that was a fine activity for the time being! It doesn't sound like any of your kids were injured or fighting and biting each other-they were having fun and dad didn't want to interrupt-and may have even lost track of the time reading-mine does all the ime when playing xbox.)
Anyway, so here is a "normal" evening for us when I am home. My hubby gets home and sits to play xbox or watch TV or exercise until my "daycare" is done (I watch 2 other kids) and then he plays with his boys until dinner (sometimes it's playing cars on the floor or ball outside and sometimes it's watching a movie with them or playing a video game-though sometimes I have to make a suggestion or get the 3 year old to ask daddy to play something with them-not because he's a bad dad, but because he is tired and doesn't want to figure something out himself). After dinner, the boys take a shower with daddy if they need it and I get them ready for bed (dressed, brush teeth, meds taken) while DH plays xbox and then after I put the kids in bed, we usually watch a movie/show together after I do the dishes (or sometimes dishes don't get done until the next day...I'm tired too, but that doesn't make me a bad mom, does it? I'd just rather spend time with my guys too).
Do I mind having to do all that while my DH sits on his butt? Sometimes, yes, but rather than argue about it, I will find something for DH to do to help (i.e. hand him the older boy's pjs and ask him to put them on or after I get them all ready, I ask daddy to put them in bed and tuck them in and if I ask him to do something small that doesn't take long, he usually will). I made the decision early on though not to expect too much help from my DH on the kid/inside house front (he does ALL the outside stuff due to my bad allergies), so that when he does something surprising, like cooks dinner or helps fold socks or volunteers to put the kids to bed, I am pleased and shocked rather than constantly dissapointed in his lack of participation and lastly, I am just thankful that I have a husband, period-there are so many single moms out there or military wives who are doing it ALL by themselves and have no one to turn to to ask for a little help when they need it like we do, so no matter how much or how little my DH does, I consider him a great dad and appreciate him for him!