How Do You Get Splattered Cooking Grease Out of a Silk Blouse

Updated on January 22, 2009
D.W. asks from North Smithfield, RI
11 answers

One daughter wore her sister's new bright pink with black trim 100% silk blouse while helping make pancakes and got Crisco grease spots splattered all over it. It is a Machine Wash Cold, Gentle Cycle & Tumble Dry low type blouse.

I soaked it overnight in oxiclean and Wisk. Machine-washed it he next day and the Crisco splatters reappeared as it air-dried.

Help how do I remove these Crisco splatters permanently?

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answers from Boston on

My sister-in-law had a beautiful silk tablecloth, that was ruined by grease. She took simple dishwashing soap - like Dawn - and it broke the grease up and then she washed it in the washing machine - it was good as new. Makes sense - the dishwashing soaps are designed to cut through and handle food grease.

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answers from Springfield on

Try dish soap since it is made to get grease off dished, but be careful of the color, try it on an edge first, nat



answers from Boston on

dish liquid gets out oily stains, test a spot 1st. Also Lestoil.



answers from Boston on

dish soap, and warm-to hot water. cold water will set grease


answers from Boston on

Hi D., Not a good situation!! I will tell you up front that I have never tried to get grease out of a silk blouse; however, I have removed grease from many other fabrics by using a Shaklee product called "Nature Bright" - it is Shaklee's non-toxic answer to bleach. It is a powder that you mix with warm water & soak the garment in. I would also pre-spot the grease with Shaklee's non-toxic liquid laundry detergent (it is a great pre-spotter), then soak it for several hours in the diluted "Nature Bright" & water; then rinse & toss into the wash again with Shaklee's detergent and a tad more "Nature Bright" mixed with water and poured right over the detergent in your washer. I am located in Georgetown, MA and would be happy to give you enough samples to work on this blouse. Are you on the North Shore? If not, I will be happy to mail the samples to you to try. If it works, that's fantastic! If not, well, nobody can wear the blouse the way it is now anyway, and I will be very surprised if this does not work; however, I cannot promise. If you like it, you can go on my website and order your own supply ( Please reply & let me know your mailing address if you would like me to send you the samples. E. Taft



answers from Springfield on

Use Dish soap on it. Best advice I ever got .... works all the time.
My thought was - well, if it doesn't work, it was ruined anyway!
Good luck and I hope you get good results, too.



answers from Boston on

I have successfully removed grease spots using a product by Spray and Wash called the stain stick. You would treat each spot with the stick, so you might have to do it a couple of times to make sure you get them all. I have not had as much luck with other Spray & Wash products, such as the sprays, but I have heard the one in the can, the aerosol is better than the pump. Best of luck.



answers from Boston on

Gently work in dish soap and then let it sit for a while. I've never tried it on silk but it should work. Good luck!


answers from Boston on

Dishwashing detergent - not the stuff for the dishwasher, but the stuff for washing dishes by hand. It cuts grease but isn't as caustic or meant for high heat at the stuff that goes in the dishwasher. I use Palmolive but some people use Dawn. Squirt a little on the stains, let it soak in for a while but don't let it dry. Launder as usual but without laundry detergent - you'll see extra suds so you might want to use extra water or else rinse twice. Next time tell you daughter what our grandmothers did - they wore aprons! ;-)



answers from New London on

I always put dawn directly on the spot and rub it in to cut the grease. I'm not sure how to get the spots out once it has dried. Sometimes the drycleaners can get spots out.



answers from Providence on

Try Zout...found in most stores near the stain treatment products. I use this on everything, but it is excellent on grease. It is amazing. It took a salad dressing stain that was on a blouse that I had already washed and dried. You would think it was set in by then. I swear by it, you will too!

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