Wow, this is hard for parents even when their children live with them 24/7.
She is a teen. The most important people to her right now are her friends.
I am going to guess, even though she has a bed at her moms home, she is constantly on the go, seeing friends hanging out with them and not always at home..
This is just a part of it.
My nephew for example is on the football team and has been since 8th grade.. also on the baseball team, lacrosse, has girl friends.
He is up at the school, training and practice.. yes.. almost the entire summer. He takes on jobs when he can and the rest of the time.. with friends. At the lake, going to the movies,, amusement parks.. My niece is just now about to go into high school.. she spends so much time at her friends homes.. she has a drawer at one friends house!!
My sister and her ex husband still keep the same visitation, but allow the kids to see their friends all of the time.
Is there anyway you all would allow the daughter to have her friends come to your home to hang out with all of you ? They could sleep over, do cookouts, watch movies, go places with all of you?
My father did not allow this.. and the older I got, the less I saw him and my stepmom.. My friends were all doing stuff together and I had to put the breaks on to spend time sitting in their house, pretty much not doing anything..
I was no longer a child. I had a car, I worked and had my money.. But we would just sit and watch tv over there. My stepmom wanted to always cook for us.. (She was a terrible cook) and would not let us vcook for them. and we really had nothing to talk about with them, since they did not know our friends or what we were up to.
So rethink how to handle this.
Do not take it personally, this is what the teen years are all about. The kids are starting to separate themselves for their parents.. because they are about to be adults in college or working full time. It is nothing personal, it is just normal development.