My Gandmother was 94 when she died of alzheimers and kidney failure. I was in the room with her when she died. I understand your pain. Understand this from the get go I am not A DEEPLY religious person. I believe in god and I believe in a better place after we die. I believe that heaven is the most beautiful and peaceful picture you can come up with in your mind. I imagine my grandmother walking in a field of wildflowers, with the sun shining on her beautiful face. My suggestion to you is to try to come up with a beautiful place in your mind for your grandmother to lay herself to rest. It may be climbing a mountain, or sitting queitly by a stream. This may help alieviate some of your stress. It did mine. Because when I saw my grandma somewhere safe and at peace, that gave me a sense of peace. It might for U as well.
And always remember, Let not yor heart be troubled, there is always peace to be found.
Sincerely T. C