You have asked for help here, with lots of capital letters with the word drawn out. I would think that by that, you really want help. But you haven't listened to the ladies' advice in any of your other questions. Why is that?
Please go back and read everything that we have written in your other threads. It is so important that you figure out what parenting is supposed to be about. You don't seem to have the first clue about child development. You need to go to the library and check out some books! Take notes! Talk to your son's pediatrician!
Your son has a great deal of trouble communicating because he cannot talk to you yet. He desperately needs a speech/language evaluation. Your pediatrician can get you a list of people to choose from - ask to make sure which ones are covered by your insurance. After 24 months, there are speech milestones that he is supposed to be able to do, and if he can't, HE NEEDS HELP. You don't have any idea how to help him, so you have to get professionals involved.
If he could talk to you, he would not be nearly as frustrated. How do I know this? My own son had speech problems. I asked for an evaluation at his 2 year well check-up and he needed speech therapy. It was a godsend.
More than anything, you need to learn what to do to help your child. NOTHING you are doing is helping him.