You may need to get a RX for Difflucan to get rid of your yeast infection but to keep it away take a probiotic every day. Also changing your diet can make a huge difference. (no whites, flour, rice, sugar)
Has anyone had any success with home remedies for recurring yeast infections? Could you please share? I am so tired of expensive prescription medications that clear up the problem only temporarily. Would changing my diet help - I already eat yogurt nearly every day.
You may need to get a RX for Difflucan to get rid of your yeast infection but to keep it away take a probiotic every day. Also changing your diet can make a huge difference. (no whites, flour, rice, sugar)
You can't get immune to the diflucan but the yeast can become resistant to it, just like bacteria can from overuse of antibiotics. Yeast are also necessary to your system, just as the good bacteria are. The problem is some of us for one reason or another have an overgrowth of yeast, then we have some sort of symptom, like thrush or a vaginal infection. Kill off the good bacteria, in addition to just naturally being yeasty (for me) and my goose is cooked.
I will tell you what I do. I routinely have at least one-three vagianl yeast infections a month until I started aggressively doing preventative things. As well as yeast rashes other places, like under breasts and under the arms(that I have now). And thrush, which is yeast on the tongue. (don't be fooled, that hurts like a big dog)
I take probiotics daily as I don't like the taste of yogurt. I take capryllic acid capsule from the health food store. I also take the azo-yeast homeopathic tablet from the store, but wal-mart sells it. When I do get one in the vaginal area I use the one day yeast ointment that is Ticonozol. Walmart generic brand. I use a little for 2-3 days in a row instead of the recommended one big dose treatement. (that was suggested by ob-gyn). She also said that hydrocortisone ointment or cream could be used in the outside coochie area called the vulva. Not in the vagina, but on the outside that is itchy and inflamed. You can also use vinegar douches, as vinegar is an anti-fungal. I don't do it as a preventative, but for ones that are not responding well to other treatments. And don't douche regularly otherwise. Believe it or not, you can also douche with yogurt, if you really want the probiotics to be where they will work on the frontlines. I also use athlete's foot powder as an after bath powder to combat the yeasty rashes I get. I use it under my breasts, under my arms, in my belly button, and sprinkled on my underwear. Feet as needed, but not as much as the rest of me, go figure. I also use the mycelex troche by prescription which is a lozenge that you suck on, for my thrush. You can also use gentian violet for yeasty areas but it stains purple and anything it touches, but it is effective-skin, mouth, etc. It is harder to find nowadays. It is an older remedy. You can also use vaginal cream for rashes other places before you put the applicator in vaginally. It is allright. You can also cut down on the sugar in your diet to stop their food supply. That is basically what they eat. You can also stop eating so much bread if it has yeast in it. Eat sour dough instead. No sense in adding anymore yeast to your system even if they are cooked. Lotrimin cream is also used to treat topically if nothing else works, but the powder usually works for me. I also wear cotton panties. I don't wear panties at night to keep things dry and let the air circulate so to speak. You may want to also consider that your husband may be yeasty and basically transferring to you during sex, even if he has no symptoms. So you may want to try to get him on some probiotics also. Just to be sure.
You may also need to be checked for diabetes because frequent yeast infections is a warning sign of diabetes. Diabetics have alot of sugar in their blood and sometimes the frequent yeast infections is the first sign of subtle high blood sugars, before other signs develop.
My doctor has tested me for diabetes and I am not a diabetic. He also says that some people are just yeasty people. But there is no reason he can think of why and nothing really to do and nothing to fix. He doesn't aggressively treat with diflucan as long as I can keep it under control with anything else. Because one day he tells me the things I do might not work and then we will be able to use the diflucan. So far the capryllic and the azo-yeast and probiotics have helped tremendously. But I take preventative action daily. I have also noticed that I get the vaginal yeast infection along with other illnesses, like colds. And that I get them when my system is stressed or overly fatigued. Like prior to a family wedding I was helping with, things like that. So I also use them as a gauge to check and see if I am taking care of myself, eating right, getting plenty of sleep, etc. So if I am having them alot, I know something is up. So I try to stay right on top of it. If I feel the symptoms coming on, I don't wait for a full fledged outbreak, I start treating at that time. Since, I have adopted the pills and more preventative things, I think that I have dropped to one vaginal infection in about 3-4months, thrush once, and the rash twice. Which for me is phenomenal. And totally workable.
I hope some of these ideas help. I feel for you, I really do. Been there, done that, and am doing it again now, and will be again in the future.
Good luck,
RN, 15 yrs
The following is something I posted for another mom before:
Please read over the following and use your own judgement. These are what work for me. (Some are a little personal, but very helpful.)
Eat yogurt if you can; this can help with bacteria that may be causing an infection or other problems.
If you use deodorizing feminine products, DON'T. I have found that this causes infection too. I use Carefree brand panty liners (unscented with baking soda) on a daily basis to draw the daily "stuff" away from my body. After a few days, you don't even realize you are wearing them and they keep you "cleaner".
I also have found (and heard from several people and doctors) that not wearing underwear at night helps keep the bacteria from collecting. If you don't want to sleep "nude", loose night pants still work.
Lastly, don't use wipes or douch. It can cause your body to create MORE bacteria because you have gotten rid of the GOOD bacteria as well as the bad. I use a scent-free, color-free shampoo on that area (front and back -- outside only) and have not had problems in years.
I hope this is helpful.
P. <><
Eat a plain yogurt from the Whole foods store. You want the yogurt that says it has live culture.
Google reoccuring yeast infection and you will find lots of homeopathic remedies that make a lot of sense. It can even be caused by and imbalance of yeast in your intestional track, so checking out some of the other sysmptoms listed to see if any of them fit you would be advisable, too.
Good Luck!
I have heard of plain yogart (live culture)inserted vaginally on a tampon will get rid of the yeast. My daughter used this and cleared hers up. If you are constantaly taking or using douches you may need to stop as you are destroying the natural bacteria to keep the yeast at bay. Change the type of underwear you are wearing so that your bottom can get air circulation and breathe (not hot and damp). Your diet may be part of it. Eliminate the extra refined sugars from your diet. What type of antibiotics are you using? This can cause infections. Drink plenty of water to keep flushed. Good luck to you. The other S.
Your body may be immune to the medication if you're having so many of them. I would make an appt with your doctor to have it checked out because it may be something else. I know that antibiotics can cause you to get yeast infections. Caffeine seems to aggravate the problem...cokes, teas, coffee, etc. Diflucan has worked for me in the past.
I am prone to yeast infections, especially in the summer and heat.
I have an open RX for the diflucan which is GREAT!! I understand you can get immune to it. I don't know if that is true or not. IF I have to take an antibiotic for anything, I immediately ask for the diflucan because I will get the yeast beast.
As a proactive approach, (hopefully this is not TMI but it works for me) I drink DanActive every day, eat yogurt, drink lots of water, after shower I make sure to air dry, I keep myself clean shaven down there, I sleep naked and a lot of times I simply dont wear underwear, especially with skirts and dresses. (Hubby loves that..so it is a spice at home as well :)
So far I have had pretty good luck this year.
I am going to go check out the probiotic pills, it gets old drinking the DanActive daily.
GOOT- Garlic Oil Ointment kills candida yeast.
To make:
heat 3 tbs. coconut oil in a saucepan mix in 3 tbs olive oil
turn off heat and add 3 tbs. FRESH finely chopped garlic. Blend together very well and strain if needed. Let it sit in the fridge for an hour. You can use it in your vagina, in your nose, ears, on the bottoms of your feet, etc. It smells awful but seems to work great on yeast, sinus, and other infections.
I agree with the probiotics. I think you need more strands of good bacteria than yogurt alone will give you. I suggest Udo's Choice from the health food store. It's in the refrigerated section. Take yourself off of sugar completely (and anything that turns into sugar in your body like crackers, chips, pasta) until you are infection free! Stay away from milk!
If you go to your pharmacy or probably even wal mart they have an over the counter pill called AZO Yeast that is cheap and works. Also, eat garlic or take garlic pills. Good Luck!
Go to Sprouts, or your local health food store, and buy some type of Probiotic (can be found in pill form and must be refrigirated). Taking it everyday will definitely prevent the recurrance of the infections. But to get rid of a current infevtion, I second the idea of asking the Dr. for a script of Diflucan! One pill and you're done! Can't beat that!
I suffer from cyclical candida - which means I have flare ups a lot!! I have seen a specialist who only deals with this sort of female issue.
Laura gave a pretty comprehensive list. If you have recurring yeast - get checked for Diabetes. Cotton underwear, only Dove soap - and don't use it on your vulva. Limit pads/pantyliners and especially don't use Always brand. Use a "free of dyes/perfumes" laundry detergent and double rinse underwear. Change panties often during day if you are having moisture issues.
Lactobacillus daily! Don't douche regularly - you can use the vinegar and water douche (though not recommended) for a flare up - there are some good homeopathic remedies. Also great is to freeze plain yogurt in those long skinny cube things for water bottles - these can be inserted vaginally for a flare - up and though messy, are very soothing.
Diet is critical - you should get the book on yeast elimination diet.
I actually had to be on antifungal oral medications for a year - with monthly blood work. And still I will have frequent flare ups.
Buy some oral lactobaccilus or acidopholis at a health food store. Also make sure you are wearing cotton panties, not douching, change your clothes immediately after you work out or swim. All this is to stay as dry as possible. Yeast lives in warm wet environments. It you have recurrent ones you may want to be checked for diabetes.
I take 10 billion microorganisms of acidophilus a day, I get them from the heath food store. You can put plain yogurt on/in your vagina, that's supposed to help or use Monistat 3- 7 is too long and 1 day isn't enough. Make sure you keep yourself dry, use a hair dryer if you need to. Use cotton undies and don't douche. Don't use smelly pantyliners or pads. Also if you go to the health food store they have other things you can use other than monistat. Good luck!