You can insert an acipophilus pill - like Culturelle, nightly, for two -three weeks. Aslo take one by mouth daily.
Reduce your sugar/carb intake. this is a must for yeast. You should NOT wait and let a yeast infection go. Yeast gives off a virulent toxin. That toxin is from it;s excrement it releases after it eats the sugar and carbs that you ingest.
My baby was born with thrush, I didnt even realize I had yeast. It was VERY hard to get rid of the yeast in her. Even when it seemed gone from her mouth, it was still inside her .Consquently, when she got her first round of vaccines, the toxin from the yeast and the toxin in the vaccine damaged her. She showed nerological problems (like autism) and cetral auditory processing disorder. So DO NOT delay in getting treatment. Personally I dont think antifungals like monistat are anything to worry about. I've been doing medical research on fungal issues for 7 years- ever since she was born.
Take a garlic tablet by mouth daily, and squeeze fresh garlic onto your salads. 1 T raw virgin coconut oil daily by mouth can help.
Yeast loves estrogen. so avoid soy.
Drastically reduce or eliminate wheat. Reduce or eliminate cows milk. These FEED yeast. Changing these in the diet might be your quickest way to rid of it.
You can lookup "baking soda for yeast" online. You can put it in a cup with water and drink it, (raw apple cider vinegar is suppose to help also- in a cup of water.)
Oregano and olive leaf can be taken by mouth also.
The health food store will have plenty of yeast aids to take by mouth that can help you.