The terrible twos!!!! At this ago consistency, consistency, consistency!! And consequences. I recommend you make her earn the "rewards" of doing fun things with mom by behaving, and when she get her reward and then starts misbehaving immediately stop, leave,etc. so that she learns her bad behavior will get the fun stuff taken away. You can even do/ make ( yopu can find great ones online to print, but it will make it very special if she helps decorate it) a simple behavior chart for her and put the times she has problems on the chart, say for instance she has problems while you are making dinner give her some thing to do coloring, tv, etc and if she behaves give her a sticker or a smiley face, then if she has all her smileys she gets a treat (you doing something fun together, or a toy, etc) the key to making this work is that she is at an age where it is not going to work if she has to wait for her reward for very long, she can't wait the entire week for her "treat", makbe every other day if she has all her smileys she gets to go out for ice cream or to the park, etc. Explain it whole thing to her carefully and give her reminders through out the day.
But most importantly don't be afraid to stop and put away what you are doing or leave a store or the park, or even Grandma's house if she starts misbehaving!!