Yup. It started sometime last year. Very annoying... I used to report them every time, but they keep showing up so I have given up and just ignore them.
The ones that say "i made $77 an hour on the internet... go to blablabla.com"
Yup. It started sometime last year. Very annoying... I used to report them every time, but they keep showing up so I have given up and just ignore them.
Wow. News flash!! Lol
I cant remember the last time I DIDN'T see a response like that to a question....
Yep. Just about every post has at least one response like that, if not more. When they first started appearing, I know people reported them. I just ignore them, and I think most people do the same.
Yes and it makes me wonder why anyone bothers to post questions asking how to make money working at home. My brother's coworker's mother's best friend's cousin's next door neighbor's father in law's boss makes $72.38 every hour and his first paycheck was $19,392.17. If you click on the sketchy link below you could .... have your computer infected with a virus and someone could make more money because they'll ask you to pay for getting it off your computer.
I've noticed most of them are out of NY. Hey you are out of NY. Interesting .........
I just report them every time I see them and in every post I see them in.
They are making sure we never go to their web sites I think. They have to know we'll never ever ever go to those sites, we're too smart. So they must be trying to make sure we don't click on them. Can't figure it out.
We are not a good target group for them.
Yes. It's a program that spams junk messages.
Not only has the one message popped up but sometimes we get 2 or 3 variations along those lines.
The spam has gotten worse and I'm not sure what this site plans to do to stop it but they need to step up their response to delete and block it.
Yes! Most of the time, I report them. Very annoying! I hope it stops!
Yep. I always report them.
Actually, I've been seeing less lately.
Oh, my goodness, yes. They're all so similar I think they must come from the same place or the same computer program.
I just report them when I see them. Yes, every one. I don't know if it's doing any good, but whoever is doing this spamming needs to grow up and get a real job.