Genie Bra

Updated on July 28, 2011
J.C. asks from Chicago, IL
7 answers

I saw an infomercial for the Genie Bra. I was a little intrigued, but then I thought it just looked like an ordinary sports bra. Has anyone bought this? Do you like it or is it just a sport type bra? Just curious.

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answers from Milwaukee on

From the little I read online it was just a super tight sports bra that's nearly impossible to get on because it's SO tight.

I'm still looking for that miracle for my "girls."

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answers from Seattle on

for the best full range of sports bras around:

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I jumped the gun, ordered them, then read the reviews and cancelled my order.

I guess if it sounds too good to be is. :(

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answers from Phoenix on

I looked up some reviews on this a while ago, and they were not good.

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answers from Chicago on

I thought they were intriguing but didn't look into it any further because they don't even mention the "nipple issue" :) and if they're super hard to get on, screw that! good luck though..

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answers from San Francisco on

I saw the ads and i thought I would order them. I haven't though--glad i didn't since everyone doesn't like them! Any suggestions???


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answers from Dallas on

I have the ahh bras, which are similar. I need to order more because that's all I wear anymore! Goodbye to the poking underwire:) I'm almost a DDD, so I totally love the comfort of these bras. I was looking at trying the Genie bras because there's a great deal on them now, but I think I'll stick with the Ahh bras because I know I love them!

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