My DD loved playing 'racecar'. I would lay her on my lap (her head on my knees) and would 'run' her legs fast (don't let them straighten out or you could make her strain a muscle... and keep a loose grip just in case she tries to stop, so you don't force it on accident) while making 'vrooom' noises. Then I would randomly go "SCREECH! LEFT TURN!" and pull both legs off to her left, then keep vrooming again. (I would also make right turns. lol.) This game always got the funny belly laugh going from her. (It's also a great game to play during diaper changes, while she was bare-butt so she could get some air on her tush)
We also play 'Head, shoulders, knees & toes' where I would sing the song, and touch her body parts during the song. I would switch it up to 'Neck, elbows, leg & foot' for a second verse too, just to get more parts in there. :)
She also liked to play peek-a-boo with toys. So I would put a paper towel over a rattle, and ask her where it went. She would uncover it and get excited. Then I would cover something else, and the game goes on.