My daughter didn't take an interest in toys until she was 6 months old and I think that is pretty normal. The housework may fall by the wayside for a bit, but don't feel bad. I am a clean freak and so it was hard for me to come to the realization that I could only clean/do housework during nap times and that meant that it wouldn't always get done in the exact time frame that I wanted it to. That meant doing things little by little rather than all in one day.
One of the things someone told me, which I thought was a great piece of advice was to write on your calendar what you wanted to do each day. For instance, Monday you run the vacuum the upstairs, Tuesday you clean the bathrooms on the 2nd floor, Wednesday you vacuum the downstairs, Thursday you clean the downstairs bathrooms, Friday you mop the floors. Alternate laundry every other day. One thing that gets done in my house every day is making the beds and cleaning the kitchen. Make a schedule that works for you.