I had 3 miscarriages. I would suggest asking if she wants to go do something with you alone -- out to lunch, a cup of coffee, a walk. And then listen to her. She may not want to go, but knowing that you care enough to ask would mean a lot to her. If she says no one time, then I'd ask again in a week or two. Maybe get pedicures together or something fun like that, if that is in your budget. If not, then just go for a walk together. It costs nothing to listen, and that is what she needs most. Also, it takes longer to go through the emotions from a miscarriage, so I would continue to check on her and see how she is doing. You'll know when she is ok and you can stop asking. I found a lot of people checked on me right away and then only a few kept checking on me, and that meant a lot to me.