Yes you get to make the rules.
Our rules are that you get a half hour on the computer. Then it goes off with the kids account timer.
To earn more time there is a list of things they can do to earn more time.
I get a little kid begging me to make them work and they get more time.
The list has a lot of items on it.
Put all dirty clothes in your hamper
Clean the litter box
Gather all the trash in the house and put it in the big trash can outside
Run the vacuum
Sweep the kitchen
Clean the toilets in both kids bathrooms
Pick up toys in your room and put them up
and more, everything I can think of can be on this list.
During the school year the computer kids accounts are set at specific times of the day. He gets from 4-6 and she gets 6-8. They get a 15 minute warning then a 5 minute warning then a 1 minute warning. Then it logs them off and they can't get back on until the next day at their assigned times. Unless one of us goes on their account and puts in a password and we get to pick the amount of time their logged on again. For instance, it has 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour. Then we click what they've earned and they play.
The kids play computer games for kids, not adult games by any means. They also have hand held games they play and those do not leave the house except when we're traveling and then they don't leave the vehicle. That way they don't go outside to be dropped and lost or broken. Their tablets both broke, one due to sneaking it outside and the other one because her screen got a crack in it. Just happened and not due to misuse.
What does he do with the rest of his time? Sit in front of the TV? Go to his room? Sit and sulk? It makes a difference. If he goes straight over and turns on the TV for the rest of the evening then what is the big deal about the games. If he goes outside and plays with friends then of course he needs to do that if it's safe outside and he's not being around future delinquents. Most of us have good neighbors and live in places we feel safe, or we find a way to move, so I'm just wondering what he does when he's not on the games.
I watch TV, read, sew, manage some FB pages for businesses, work part time jobs, and do crafts when I'm wanting down time. And yes, I have the TV on all the time. Even when I'm on the computer.
If someone tried to limit the amount of time I have the TV on just because it was better for me I'd pretty much hate them too, even if they were right.
It's our job to help our kids have full and fruitful lives, to grow up and be good citizens in their community.
I think you can weigh what we've all said and decide if you still think an hour is adequate. If you still feel it's enough then sit him down and have a talk with him. Tell him you've thought and thought about it and still feel it's enough. If you think you can give him so leeway and allow more time tell him you'll let him earn more time and show him where you've posted the list and exactly what "DO" means and what will be required to mean "it's done". This way he fully understands if he doesn't do it the way it's supposed to be done he doesn't get credit.
One thing that allowing them to do extra things to earn more time is got them to really think about how much they want to play. If they were playing a game with friends and the game is going well and they get logged off....well, they have a big incentive to do something quick so they can get back on.
BUT if they were just playing and having a good time then get logged off, sometimes they think about it and decide they would rather go outside or go watch TV or something else because they really don't want to do chores.
Win win to me.