No -- FB is not for children.
Grandmother is out of line.
Grandmother needs her head examined.
Ok ladies i am very disutrbed by this but im not sure if i am over reacting. my daughters grandmother created her a facebook account she is 6!!!!!!! i confronted her about it and she said she did it becuase my daughter wanted to play the zoo game on facebook. I am soo upset i think its inapropriate and dangerous.....Although.....i do have a facebook and i do put pictures up of my kids.....my page is completley private and i only have close firends and family on my page, i do not post locations or last names so i feel im being as safe as i can...my daughters grandma says i am overreacting and that she only has family on her page and that she will make it private. Does anyone think this is ok and harmless. Thanks for your time and input :)
Thanks everyone for affirming what i already was thinking myself...She is being stubborn and wont delete it so i have repoted it to facebook and have also let her dad know (its his grandmother) he will probobly have better luck getting it deleted if facebook doesnt do it first way inapropriate and dangerous and she can just play on pbs.org those games are much more her age
No -- FB is not for children.
Grandmother is out of line.
Grandmother needs her head examined.
Delete it.
There are SO many other games to play without being hooked up to any social network.
Grandma stepped way out of line on this one.
Too young in my opinion. Too many adult things on facebook--she could get into trouble really easily.
How many wrong steps can we count here? First she made the account, in violation of Facebook's age requirements, setting an example for your daughter that rules are not necessarily to be followed. Then she didn't ask you if it was OK, which tells your dear daughter that Mom need not always be consulted. Then, when you said you did not approve, she wanted to argue with you? No apology for overstepping her bounds? She wanted to defend her actions? So out of line!
He!! no that is not okay!! You are her mom, end of story. Grandma can give your DD all the ice cream & candy as she wants, but the line needs to be drawn at getting a FB.
omg no that is not okay!! that's crazy. she's your daughter. tell her to delete it and to not do it again. that's really dangerous =P
My 6 year old daughter has a facebook, BUT she doesn't know her password, it's private, has fake information, and she's only friends with relatives. She's only on there when I'm with her. I thought it would be a fun way for her to communicate with relatives, especially her grandma who's a facebook fanatic. Her teacher even thought it was a good way to help her with her writing/typing. She doesn't really play the games though. You do have to be careful about supervising kids when they're on there, because they can click on things that could harm your computer.
If my daughter's grandma had gotten her a facebook without talking to me about it, I would be very angry. It may seem harmless to her, but that's not her decision to make. I think it's only harmless if you're supervising, and you can't always trust someone else to do that, even if they are family. I think you did the right thing by standing up for yourself and deleting it, good for you! :-)
Ditto Leslie... lets count the ways!!! She' in the black.
You know... my son wants to do lots of things, too.
He wants to play at the park at midnight. He wants to drive the car. He wants to eat brownies for every single meal. Be a surgeon/ astronaut/ videogame designer/ professional snowboarder.
Just because my son "wants" something, even something that in moderation or time or in certain situations COULD be okay, doesn't mean he gets it. Much less now. Much less without parental approval.
First off, this is YOUR daughter. Second, the grandmother did this without your permission. Report the profile and Facebook will take it down. Say nothing to the grandmother about reporting it and pretend that you're done with the whole thing. If she keeps doing it, keep reporting it. It's NOT okay for her to do this. There's a reason that FB has an age restriction below 13 years old. My kids will be lucky if I allow them to have accounts before they're 16.
NO way! But I DO allow my almost 10-year old granddaughter to play games on my account while I am there with her.
And, um, Grandma must have lied to set up the account, you have to be 13 to have one per FB poilcy!
There are rules set up just for purpose - 6 years old is WAAY to young for FB...
I think 13 might be too young for a child too- especially some of the kids that have no parental supervision...
NO! NO! NO!!!!
Grandma stepped way out of line with this one!
She is out of line. Delete her account. FB doesn't allow anyone under 13. Even if her grandmother made an account on a child site and you didn't approve, she should respect your wishes. This isn't even a child site. Good luck!!
The human brain is not even fully developed until 26 years old.
Even many older Teens, cannot handle FB nor the ramifications of it and social networks.. or even about concepts of "privacy."
Ya know... Grandma SHOULD HAVE ASKED YOU FIRST about this.
There are TONS of other online games, for KIDS, that your daughter can play.
Gee, even www.pbskids.org
nope, no, nooooo, no way, no. not just because it could attract weirdos (that includes family members), but those darn games are also addictive.
If FB finds out a person is under 13, they will delete the account.
Heck No! We can't always get what we want Grandma!
You know when you read a question on here and you have an immediate answer or response? Mine was, "Hell no!"
GM overstepped big time. I don't think it is safe or harmless. She is there to play with GM and spend time with her. Get them some board games if they want that kind of entertainment.
Wowsa. I would have blown a gasket.
My grandkids like to play the games too and have accounts. They are kids so their accounts are hidden from being searched and do not show up. If she wants to keep the accounts then she needs to make sure she goes and makes sure the option to allow their names to be in the search options is not on allow. I can't even access them on my grandkids accounts, they are grayed out due to kids being denied that accessibility.
The kids can only see the friends they have access to on the games and such. They do not get seen by anyone not their friend. I only have the kids friends with my adult friends that I know and trust and a few friends of those friends that their kids are allowed to friend. They don't get on and chat or post. They only play a few select games.
zero reason to ever have a child that young on fb. NONE.
there are a zillion games online for kids.
the only reason i can see to do that (parent or grandparent) is to be the "cool mom/grandma/etc".
These kids are too smart. She can and will figure out how to friend people you don't want her to. My 11 year old has a page and I have shut it down over and over and she'll start it back up. We'll argue about it and she'll do it again. She's not doing anything wrong and she keeps telling me that I have the password, which I do. But I don't like it.
I just had to delete an old friend of mine because a pornographic post came through on my facebook homepage. It could happen to our kids!
I don't think it was right of Grandma to set it up for her without asking first. BUT, I did create a FB for my daughter who is six. She loves Farmville, Pet Society, Restaurant City, and the fish world game and so I created one solely for her to play those games. Her FB set totally to private (so much so that her profile is unsearchable) and I have her chat set to so she is offline and no one can message her. Her only friends are myself, Dad, Grammy, and her aunts and uncles. I have the aunts and uncles posts hidden because sometimes they post about grown up things. She is only allowed on the computer when we are in the room with her (it's in our living room) and we monitor everything she does. We've laid down rules for her which she has to follow or I will delete her account and that's the end of the games. No clicking on anything except the games. Any communications that pop up through the game have to be viewed by us. Things like that. She's only allowed to play the games I listed- nothing else. Oh and her profile picture is of the Disney Princesses (even though my profile pic is of her- figure out that logic! LOL)
She does get a kick out of posting on Grammy's or my older sister's (her favorite aunt) walls sometimes (she has to have myself or Daddy sitting with her while she posts though). I know people think I'm crazy for allowing her to have one but she knows the rules, has had a FB for over a year and a half now and never broken a rule, and has never had a bit of trouble from it. We use it as a reward- she does things she's supposed to, she gets to play FB games. I think the games are a good learning tool for her- she has to read things, think about money (and add and subtract), and make choices and plan (strategy). She has gotten so good at it that she taught her Daddy how to play the games. Plus, she has gotten really good at typing (better then Daddy!) and she is so comfortable with a computer. All in all, it's been a good experience for her. And a closely monitored one at that. But you have to feel comfortable with it. If you aren't then you need to delete it. I also think you need to set some boundaries with Grandma. If you say that you don't think it's a good idea- that's the end of it- no ifs ands or buts. Your kid, your rules. And she needs to respect that.
Good luck to you.
Let me just clarify a few things- You can make a profile private and unsearchable. Which means that if you put in what I put as her name and hit search my daughter's profile cannot be found. I tested that BEFORE I allowed her on FB. The only way you can view other people farms or fish tanks or whatever is if you are friends with them and there in my 60 year old Mom, my 66 year old Aunt, my older sister (who is as clean as they come) so my daughter sees nothing inappropriate at all. My daughter is closely supervised at all times while on the computer. Meaning, Dad or I is by her at all times, no matter what she is doing on the computer- playing Starfall or Pet Society- we watch and play with her. My daughter's teacher and my sister, who is also a teacher, have both said the same thing as Erin had said- it helps with her spelling, typing, adding, subtracting, and has got her thinking about money (after she started playing Farmville and realized she had to save her coins and she could buy better stuff she began to save money she got and has set her mind to different things she wanted and saved up to buy them). So, to me- it is harmless for my daughter to play the FB games- because I supervise and make sure it's safe. Oh- and BELIEVE me I am not trying to be the "cool" mom. In fact, my kid reguarly says I am so not fun :)
I can't believe she won't delete it! I don't think I'd be sending my daughter to her house until she learned that *I* was mom and what *I* said was law regarding my daughter, let her know she'd lost my trust. My goodness.
Hi, J. -
Yes, I think she is too young. When it comes to protecting your children from the potential hazards of the internet, you cannot be too careful. In my opinion, you are completely right to be seriously concerned. In this situation, what Grandma thinks about you overreacting is meaningless. You are the child's mother, and your word on this is law. You do not need to defend or explain yourself. Tell Grandma, lovingly, politely, respectfully, and firmly, that you do not approve. That should be the end of it. Good luck.
Good for you for reporting it when she refused to remove the account. She is too young to play the games. My daughter, who is old enough to be on FB, constantly sees inappropriate language on the games she plays. If a child is playing a game that has other FB users playing, they are at risk of being exposed to inappropriate language and sexual suggestions.
your not over reacting it is very dangerous out there.. Facebook is no different.. There are other ways to play games with out allowing them on a site they can not understand and can view things adults post (not always appropriate for children).. I just let my 17 yr old get a facebook account but I regulate it any inappropriate pics or language her friends will be block plain & simple you are the parent.. Just go to Facebook and delete her account...