Extremely Upset with Kiddin Around Playcare in Plano - What to Do?

Updated on January 04, 2012
E.R. asks from Plano, TX
16 answers

I can't seem to shake how upset I am with my experience with Kiddin Around Playcare in Plano over a month ago. I'm heartbroken by how my baby was treated. Originally I was told he would stay in the toddler room unless the caregiver was walking around with him. And that they had a 1-4 ratio in the baby/toddler room. After picking him up I found out that the 1-4 ratio was for the entire playcenter.......so my baby didn't stay in the designed area. She put him by himself in a cage (the basketball court) with a walker (he doesn't work nor could pull himself up). His toenail was extremely broken from trying (I saw when I got home). I could go on and on but I can only image that he cried the whole time and was somewhat neglected. No diaper change over the 3+ hours and when I arrived was still sleeping after 2 hours (his morning naps are always 30-40 min max) Also he never sleeps on his stomach...and that's how I found him. I also couldn't believe what the caregiver was telling me......Put him on the basketball court so he could pull his own self up on the fence and that he was whining and fighting his sleep so much that she finally decided she would "have" to hold him. He was the only baby there. He's such a good baby! I had actually timed my drop off so that he could receive some TLC after my departure and then have his bottle. No question he would fall asleep if "given" the bottle. (I was surprised to find half of it still in the bottle on my return home.) Then wake up and play. What do I do? No comment cards came my way via mail or email. Would it even make a difference for me to write a note? And if so...to who...are just try to forget and forgive myself for leaving my son there? Or as a mother would some of what I shared not have bothered you?

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the responses!! I will write a letter and cc it to all parties. Especially thank you for sharing your experiences, thoughts and expectations with me too!! Much appreciated!!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi E.,

I had a bad experience with my first son - at a gym childcare center. I wrote a letter to the director of that specific center, as well as the main, corporate office. I think it's important that you put it in writing.

Good luck. Let us know what happens.


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answers from Dallas on

I used to take my son there as well and had problems. It got to the point where as soon as I would drive up to the door, he would scream. He didn't want to go. He never acts like that. I always found him outside of the infant/toddler room with the rest of the big kids. One time they called me and said don't be alarmed when you see him because he had been crying so hard the entire time his eyes were swollen and all red. I never took him back after that. We used to take him to the one in coppell when we lived there and they were really good with him. Since this has happened, I have taken him to Adventure Kids Playcare in Plano and they are terrific with him. The people at Adventure Kids said that a lot of families had complained about Kiddin' Around and that they were now bringing their kids to Adventure Kids. I would definately complain about Kiddin' Around. I didn't ever see them do anything to my child, but I do know that he was scared to death whenever we went there (only 3 times) so I just never took him back. Good Luck.

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answers from Dallas on

I totally agree 110% with Andrea. I would definitely call or go up there to talk to the Director as well.

Good Job mama, you did the right thing.




answers from Dallas on

I would file a formal complaint with their organization, the Better Business Bureau and the Department of Family Protective Services. I would be absolutley furious. People need to know so that they don't end up experiencing the same issues that you have.



answers from Seattle on

I have used Kiddin Around in all but one location. I have to say that I do not like the Plano location. I would have felt the same way you did if that happened to my baby. I think you should contact the Director and speak to her directly and if that does not help, then call the owner. I know the owner and she would be very upset as to the quality of care your baby received. Her name is Debbie Williams and I know she would want to hear from you. I hope this little bit of info has helped ease your mind.



answers from Dallas on

That is unacceptable care you received. I would pull him from there, talk to the director and her regional manager and let them WHY you're removing your son, and then file a complaint with the BBB. ALso, let the director and regional know you are filing a complaint. I'm not familiar with this center, and not sure if it's a chain, but personally chain centers seem to be better run than 'mom & pop' shops.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience at this center. They are NOT all like that. There are some really good centers out there that adhere to strict policies and guidelines, and yet still provide the TLC you're looking for. Good luck!!



answers from Dallas on


Report your experience to the state. They will file a formal complaint. These businesses are essentially daycares and are subject to checks and inspections just like schools and daycare centers. Report them ASAP.



answers from Dallas on

You definitely need to report them to the state. Childcare facilities CANNOT put babies on their back. They would get a violation for that alone - which puts a mark against them. Report them and then the state will have to go and inspect them. That is the best thing to do.



answers from Dallas on

Write to them and tell them what happened. I would not take him back there again and I'm sure you will not. You did nothing wrong. They definitely did. I'd also contact the Better Business Bureau to formally complain. Others should know about this. I think you did very well to post it here. Good job, Mama! And don't guilt yourself about this. He's fine now and you're taking action.




answers from Dallas on

I have heard stories like this about them. I take my children to Adventure Kids Playcare and have nothing but great things to say about them. The employees are always warm and happy to see my children. The owner is often there and I feel that if I ever had a problem she would make it right. Don't let a bad experience at one drop in deter you from trying another.



answers from Dallas on

You should be able to look online and contact the Childcare Licensing representative who is the one who investigates these issues for them to keep their license. You should definately pull your child. I am so sorry to hear what happened.



answers from Dallas on

I would hope that you pulled him out of the daycare! Listen no matter what other moms may say that you are over reacting or that you are a "High Maint. Mom". It doesnt matter you know how you want your little one taken care of and if he is being treated in a matter you feel is not appropriate you have the right to say and DO something about it. You pay them to take care of your baby and not ignore him.

First of all "Walkers" that you sit your child in are BAD for them. Only push walkers should be used...

My daughter went to Kids R Kids in Keller and they were the best regarding compliance to the laws. But even I had prob. and when I did I reported the issue to the manager immediately! She was in a swing for over an hour with a blanket over her head and I flipped out. Another time a new teacher lifted my daughter up by her wrists and carried her about 3 feet across the room with her body dangling. This I did not find aceptable.

The only way I would put my baby in day care was if I could watch her via the internet and I looked at it throughout the day and would review it at night. If I ever had a prob I said something right thena and there and did not hesitate a sec. I did eventually pulled her out of daycare. It just wasnt for me...so I am now at home with my baby watching another little one close to her age.

I would suggest pulling him out ASAP if you havent already. Then report them! So other mom and dads will know what goes on there. Find a daycare that has internet so you can keep an eye on what is going on during the day. My baby would be moved from the infant rm to the crawling rm from time to time so I had rights to view the camara in both rooms. The only time she left the room was in the baby buggy. They even have camaras in the play yards. When I do plan on going back to work she will go back to Kids R Kids...they are great...I just wanted more one on one for my little 6 month old.

There is a web page that you can search for daycares and look into there public report records but I cant find it again. When I do I will send it to you.

Good Luck



answers from Dallas on

You can also make a report with the Texas Departmant of Family and Protective Services. They are suppose to go check daycare centers too and make sure things are well. Please make a report so this teacher will not be able to work with children again.




answers from Dallas on

I'm not going to join on the bandwagon here just wanted to offer some words of comfort....

remember that NO ONE will EVER be able to care for your baby the way that you can and know you can. Some children -- no matter HOW young -- do not do well, do not take bottles well, do not settle down in a new, over-stimulating environment with strange people around... Drew, my 2nd NEVER ever would...

About the toes splitting from him trying to pull himself up... I don't feel that makes ME a bad person because my boys both had that because they tried to pull themselves up... and I did put them in walkers too... just to get used to the feeling of being vertical...and they'd eventually use their little toes/feet to scoot across the floor. Now to just put them in there and just leave them... no, that's not cool.

I think a 1 to 4 ratio for the entire place seems odd -- for the baby room, yes, that's understandable. That just seems like an awful lot of staff...did you really see that many staff people there. I'd definitely have found out ratios before hand...

I take my kiddos to Adventure Kids PLaycare in Southlake and aside from a few lost binkies, it's been wonderful. If Drew was really upset or very whiney, they called me to let me know... said that I don't have to come get him but wanted me to know that he wasn't enjoying his time today... and I got him... and took him home...I think that them calling me, and letting me know he wasn't himself (whiney) let me know that something was wrong... I showed up to rescue him and take him someplace "safe" and comfortable and kept that place from being someplace he didn't like... he asks to "go play" now.



answers from Dallas on

As a mother, yes this bothers me!!! Do not feel like you are overreacting. This is awful. You can also "report" the childcare center. I don't know how, but you I'm sure you could find out. You definitley need to let the director know as well.



answers from Dallas on

We had a similar experience. My 14 month old was out plyaing with the big kids. His diaper didn't get changed and he wasn't offered his milk. There was a little boy, probably around 2 or a little younger following a worker aroud and crying. It looked like he had hurt himself. The worker looked at him, rolled her eyes, and walked away. The poor little boy kept crying and trying to get the teachers attention. We use Adventure Kids in Plano and have had a great experience there. They have 3 age groups instead of 2. One day they called me just to let me know my son had diaper rash (he had it before he went there). I always peek in on my son before he sees me and he is having fun and playing with the other kids and toys. I will never go back to Kiddin Around. If you go to other sites you'll see terrible reviews of Kiddin Around.

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