For the first three month you should feed your baby when they are hungry any time during the day or night. Believe me, trying to get them on a schedule that early will only stress you out and make your baby miserable and hungry!
At about 3 months I started to feed about every 2.5-3 hours and once at night. When my son started solids at 6 months, he breastfed much less and now only nurses at 6:30am upon wakening, 11pm after his first nap, 3pm after his second nap, and 6pm before bed. There are millions of books out there that will give you examples of feeding schedules, but honestly, your baby will eventually make their own with a little bit of your guidance. For example, I always wake up my son at 6:30am to feed him because it fits in my schedule (I also have a 6 year old to take care of and send off to school). I also wake him from his naps if he sleeps later than 11pm or 3pm. I never let 4 hours go by without nursing him now (he is 8 months old). I will probably continue this until he is 1 year when we introduce milk.
I suggest getting a copy of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It is a great book for new moms.
Best of luck and congratulations!