Since you're working at home can you choose to do your work in the evening instead of when your daughter only has you and needs interaction?
A schedule is important.
If you were doing that same job inside a different set of walls you wouldn't be worrying about cleaning.
Do your cleaning during the day while you're mothering your daughter. When you're husband gets home take an hour to have dinner and then let him do the night-time parenting: bath,
bed, stories, some house chores since there's a need for you to work, etc... and you GO TO WORK in the other room.
No need to feel like a horrible Mom...just mold things around your family, you can always get another job but not children. Oh, and have a family goal for your job, something that they can only do because of your income and make a chart on the wall for them...then at the end of the month do it...this should help them support you doing your job, too.