As far as I know they can't localize pain yet at the age of 11 months. The only way to know if it is an ear infection is to take her to the doctor or see if she has any kind of yellow fluid leaking out of her ear. My guess is teething as my daughter did the same thing when she was getting all of her teeth. She would tug at her ear, which the doctor said was normal as they confuse the gum pain for ear pain. Another parent told me that they had better luck with Children's Motrin for teething because it is an anti-inflammatory. Tylenol never seemed to do anything for my little girl. I only gave it to her at bedtime and even though the first few nights she woke up once or twice, the next two were usually nowhere near as bad and once she fell asleep she didn't wake at all. Hopefully this is helpful.
Oh and they told me NOT to use Orajel because it numbs their gag reflex and can cause them to choke.