Help with Teething - Chino,CA

Updated on May 16, 2008
J.W. asks from Chino, CA
37 answers

Hey moms, need a little help here. My 5 month old has started teething I believe. She drools, puts everything in her mouth, and for the past 3 days has had a temperature from 99.7 to 100.9. I give her Tylenol, but sometimes it does not help. How long does this last. She is not a fussy baby at all. She only cries if I don't get her her bottle quick enough and after her shots. Right now though she is crying all the time. Sometimes I can't put her down and the normal things that sooth her are not working. I guess my question is how do I know if it is something other than teething? Also, what are some things other than wash cloths, teething rings in fridge, teething gel and Tylenol can I do? It really breaks my heart to hear her cry like this. How many days do I let this go before taking her to the doc to see if something else is wrong? Sorry if these are dumb questions, I am a new first time mom and I feel so helpless.

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So What Happened?

WOW!!! Thanks for all the quick responses. My mommy instinct told me to get it checked out. I went to her pediatrician and as it turns out it is not teething. It is something called Herpangina(sp?) It is little blisters in her throat! Poor baby! Well at least I know what to do when she starts teething! Thanks to all. : ) I am just updating this again because I am still getting responses. Thank you all for the advice, it is so wonderful and when she is teething I have so many tools in my pocket now! She is better now, Friday was apparently the peak of it. It was so cool because her first Mothers day gift to me was her getting better. It was kind of freaky. Almost exactly at midnight (Sat night) it was as if someone flipped a switch and she was my little Allie again. Cooing, laughing, and giving me zerberts!! I am so relieved. Thanks again and I hope you had amazing Mother's Days!!

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answers from San Diego on

Another thing you could try is Motrin. Tylenol does not always work with teething and motrin will break her slight fever also. I also use teething tabelts and they are ok for 5 month olds. I have given my children frozen wash clothes, popsicles, motrin, teething toys and they have worked. Stay away from Baby Orajel because it hardens their gums back up and makes it harder for the teeth to pop through and that makes for one cranky, fussy baby. You can use Baby Ambesol (sp) and that works better. These are NOT dumb questions at all! When you have a question, all you can do is ask!!! I hope this info helps you and good luck!

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answers from Los Angeles on

hi J.,
it is so sad when they are teething and in pain. my lil girl will get fevers up to 103 when she was teething, diarrhea, and lots of non stop crying and she wasnt a fussy baby either. I will HIGHLY recommend Hyland's teething tablets!!!! they worked wonders for my girl and every other mom i've talked to. they were the only thing that worked! none of the other teething gels or anything seemed to clam and sooth her like these teething tablets. you can find them in most grocery stores or drugstores. and usually they will stop crying and fevers will recede after the teeth on the move have cut through. Hope this helps!



answers from Honolulu on

Hyland's teething tablets worked wonders for my youngest as well... I think they taste a lot better than the gels, too it seems. AM

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J., you are doing what every mother tries to do. It definitely sounds like teething. Don't worry. Let me enlighten you to a little known fact though, the teething gels can most often make babies gums toughen and make it harder for their teeth to brake through. My sister found out the hard way (before I had any children) and I have a niece who teethed from 4 mo - 12 months without one tooth popping through. She clued me into Hyland's teething tablets. I know there are others now, but I loved them. My 2nd, a son, teethed at 2 mo and had all of his first years teeth by 8 mo - ugh! Hyland's works! They are all natural and really do dissolve FAST - you can put them directly on an infants tongue a couple at a time - and not once did any of mine even slightly choke. They dissolve. I took to putting them into his bottles a lot. Since they are all natural with no side effects, there is no limit. With my son, I would have to give him around 10, to appease his discomfort. His teeth were large too! As far as things to gnaw on, anything she wants that is hard. I used to rub an ice cube on their gums for a few seconds at a time to numb them even for a short while. Every little bit helps. Good luck & God Bless!

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answers from Los Angeles on

If Tylenol doesn't work try motrine, the 2 actually work on diffrent parts of the body, so when one doesn't work try the other. Is she comforted when you rub her gums with your finger and push down on them. That's usually a good sign. Just to make sure it's not something else massage her body see if you feel anything diffrent, or see if she cries more in surtain areas. Try to make a list of when she cries and see if you can pin-point what it is that bothers her.

Just remember you know her better then anyone, so follow your instinct. Not ours, or the doctors. Sometimes teeth start to come in then they take a few months break then they start to come in again. Which means it could be teething but she won't get them in for 3 to 5 months, but she might get fevers and cranky a few diffrent times.
Good Luck! Just follow your instinct. J.



answers from Reno on

Don't worry, it sounds just like teething. Teething can last for several days and may stop and start up again right away (depending on how many teeth are coming in and how quickly they push through). Teething gel generally doesn't work after a few minutes. The idea with those gels is to give them enough relief through numbing that they can calm down and go to sleep. Teething rings, wash cloths, and a lot of comfort is the best thing to do for her right now. Yes, she will be more clingy and demanding/fussy. She doesn't know what is happening, she just knows she doesn't feel good. They have some teething tablets (homeopathic) that can help, basically they help to soothe her. You can also try rubbing her gums a little to help with the pain (gently and with clean hands), she may bite down on you a little, so if she already has some sharp teeth, use one of those infant toothbrush things that slip over your finger to provide some security for you. If nothing is working and you are still concerned, go to the doctor and see what he has to say. Also, if the temp isn't too high and she doesn't seem bothered by it, don't give her medication for it. Fever is actually your body's way of defending itself from certain things and you shouldn't inhibit it if you don't have to. Ask your doctor for more information on this because he will be the best guide about what medical treatments will be best for your child.



answers from Los Angeles on

You also shouldn't rule out teething tablets, they work pretty well too.
I'm sorry to say that there is not much else to do. I think it is really a guess. Your daughter is at that age. My son didn't have a fever, but he was really cranky and just wanted me to hold him all the time. The teething tablets are not bad for them, so I would give him a couple and rub his gums... if his attitude improved then I know that is the reason. Your daughter is most likely working on growing the front bottom two teeth.



answers from Medford on

I gave my daughter, now 2 1/2, Hyland's Teething tablets. They are a homeopathic supplement that will dissolve in her mouth. You should be able to find them at Target or the drug or grocert store near the baby teething gel. I found that holding one or two against her gums and rubbing it in as it melted soothed her the best. That is if you can stand her chewing on your fingers! :) I know it's hurts to hear them cry and be so uncomfortable, but remember it will pass. I know that may be now consolation, but we've all been there and are sympathizing with you.



answers from Las Vegas on

I know that this is going to sound really really weird, but it worked with my nephews and I tried it for my kids and it was great.
When my oldest nephew was a baby my dad had a hobby where he would get pieces of leather and he would use some tool and burn pictures onto them. My nephew was having a hard time teething somehow he got a hold of a piece of the leather and he really liked it and wouldn't give it back. We figured that it wasn't going to hurt him so we let him keep it My nephew chewed on that thing for days. It had a taste that all the babies loved and it didn't wear down from all of the drool. He was the oldest so as the other kids came along we tried it again and it worked every time.

It sounds gross, but it worked. Now the only problem is where to find a piece of leather. I think a craft store like Michael's would have them.

I also wouldn't worry about running your daughter to the doctor just yet. Teething can take a long time, my middle son teethed for months before one cut through. Kids also run much higher temperatures than adults. 100.9 for a baby is very low, almost like an adult having a temperature of 99.0. I would lay off the Tylenol and give her something that works faster like a teething gel that you rub on the gums. A fever can be a good thing and it helps the body do what it needs to. If the fever is under 102 I would let it run it's course. If it last more than a couple of days call the doctor and see what she says.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

Hyland's Teething Tablets are GREAT and are homeopathic. You don't have to worry about your child overdosing on these either as per the Poison Control Center; she would only get an upset tummy. You can buy them in Mother's Market or I'm sure most any health food store would carry them. They are around $5. I've seen them in Ralph's but they cost almost twice as much. Both of my children were extremely uncomfortable teething so I feel your pain in feeling your daughter's. It's horrible!!! However, I'm also thinking that if you cannot lie her down, she may have somewhat of an ear infection. Yes, indeed she is teething, but Iw ould take her to see the doctor anyway, just to check her ears. That is terribly painful.

Blessings to you both :) I hope she feels better very quickly :)




answers from Los Angeles on

I have found that Motrin works better. Altho, motrin is for 6 mos. and above - but you are so close and it would only be a dose or two. Motrin last longer too.

2nd, I used the all natural teething tablets, they dissolve in the mouth, you can find them in the super market now, in the baby isle, CVS, or Rite Aide, etc.

My daughter was that way for about 1 week.



answers from San Diego on

I've been told by countless doc's, books and articles that teething does NOT cause fever. Something else is probably going on, maybe in conjunction with teething. My daughter (11mos) drools when she has a cold. Probably because her nose is stuffy and she's breathing thru her mouth more. If the fever goes to day three, take her in and have her ears checked.

I have three kids and I am not aware of any of them ever having fevers associated with teething. Only a few sleepless nights, no interest in food, drooling and chewing.



answers from San Diego on

Hi J., she has all the signs of teething, but for peace of mine you can talk to her pediatricia, is her crying more at night? pain seems to be worse at night. If it is teething, this is what I did with all 3 of my kids, I put a spoon in the freezer, and when it was reallty cold i would masauge their gums with it, I also used the wash cloth, but I put crushed ice in it, not only did that work they love playing with it as the ice melted, I also took the tylenol and rub it on their gums at night it worked, I didn't like medicating them so young, and a friend gave me that idea and it worked, teething time is different for each child, a child can be in discomfort for weeks before you ever see any teeth, the good this is when it passes they don't remember it. J.



answers from San Diego on

You can get Boiron's chamomilla in 30c at your local health food store. This helped wonders with my son and was even helpful when we got his two year and 6 year molars.

Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

Hi J., Motrin seemed to work better for my guys when teething. You could also try the homeopathic Hyland teething tablets. There is also a netted pacifier you can buy where you could put ice cubes or frozen fruit in and she could suck on it.

Good luck. D.



answers from Los Angeles on

I didn't have any luck with teething gel, either- my dd was breastfeeding and it just made her mad because it made her whole mouth numb and couldn't feed well. I LOVED teething tabs... I am kicking myself right now because I can't remember the brand... Hyland's! I don't know if it's spelled right, but you can get them at almost any drug store or natural food store. They're totally natural and just numb the mouth a little- taste them, they kind of taste good! And I used the thing the other poster described, except that it isn't a pacifier. It's called a baby safe feeder- it's a little net that pops open and has a handle. Frozen grapes are a good idea, I used frozen peaches or just an ice cube in it- they can just chew on it and you don't have to worry about choking. And as soon as she was 6 months old (and I had talked to her ped) I started giving her baby motrin (on really really bad nights I would rotate with tylenol, one every 3 hours, but that's only for serious stuff) because it works better. Babies who are teething also like to chew on anything that is textured or hard.



answers from San Diego on

I would wait about three days and if the fever does not go away, then I would take her to the doctor. Both of my sons have had ear infections with no signs or symptoms, so it could be that. You never know. As far as teething relief, I have used Baby Oragel. As soon as I rubbed it on their gums, they would immediately stop fussing. It really seemed to help. Be sure to read the dosing instructions. Good luck and I hope this helps!



answers from Los Angeles on

Try Hyland,s teething tablets they are little white tablets that dissolve on contact with drool. You can get them at Walmart or just about anywhere that sell baby stuff. They are all natural and work so well. My 5 month old daughter has been having teething symtoms for several weeks and her little gums are swollen but it seems like it takes forever for the teeth to break thru. If she will not stop crying she may need a visit to the Doctor. My son now 7 had an ear infection while he was breaking his teeth. Good luck and hope it all goes well!



answers from Los Angeles on

There is a brand of teething tablets made by a company called Hyland's. It is a homeopathic tablet that is 100% natural and has NO side effects. My sis-in law told me about it, and her worked wonders with her son, as well as mine.
I bought it at Albertson's, but they don't carry it at most grocery stores(or Target & Walmart), you can also try Rite Aid & Walgreens.
What I would urge is staying away from giving any sort of OTC pain medication. There are just too many variables, and the risk of overdosing a child that young is not one anyone would want to risk.



answers from Los Angeles on

alternate with childrens motrin because your body can get use to the same med and it wont work as great as it use to.



answers from Los Angeles on

I used hadlens teething tablets. I had heard that the gels makes the gums harder and in turn makes it harder for the teeth to come in. I am not sure if this is true. The teething tablets work. They are all natural so no drug reactions. My husband and I were really worried about the kids chocking on them so he tried them the dissolve instantly in your mouth. Hopefully this helps.



answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds like teething and it lasts till they get all their teeth..unfortunatly. I was told about a homeopathic teething tablet when she started teething and I asked since I didnt want to give her Tylenol for everything. It has been a god-send for us. You can get it behind the pharmacy counter at Target, I have seen it at RiteAid and Ralphs, name brand Hylands. My daughter loves them and they seem to work.



answers from Santa Barbara on

Try infants motrin. it lasts longer than tylenol and i found it worken better for my son.



answers from Los Angeles on

Does she have an ear infection? Lying down flat on her back will cause severe ear pain if she does indeed have an ear infection.

If I were you I'd take her to the pediatrican to look at her ears.

Crying all the time could be ear pain from an ear infection.



answers from Las Vegas on


Try ibuprophen. It works way better than tylenol for teething pain. If that doesn't do it, take her to the doctor and make sure it isn't an ear infection. For my kids, the symptoms of teething and ear infections are exactly the same.




answers from Los Angeles on

have you heard of the little tablets called numb-itz its for teething. they are little tablets that desolive on the child's tounge. you can find then in the drug stores like cvs or at walmart.
other than that there is a pasifier they opens up and you can put frozen grapes in it the child can chew but the grape skins will not choke the child. It's a netting over the pasifier that snaps and locks.
hope these thing work for you.
L. m



answers from Reno on

If she's crying whenever you put her down, I'd be worried about her ears. (When the pressure changes, babies cry because all of the fluid just sits in their little ear canals.) If she's had a stuffy nose, I'd definitely think ears. Also, I've heard that it's a myth that babies get fevers when they're teething, so I'd definitely take her in just to be sure. Even if there's nothing wrong, it's always better to see the doctor for peace of mind. Good luck. :)



answers from Los Angeles on

Here's always been my theory...the $10-$20 copay is worth the peace of mind that all is ok...It probably is just teething, but just go, pay the copay and be assured that all is well. The doctors are used to us moms who just want the comfort of knowing our kids are's kind of like when you call the OB for things when you're pregnant, better to ask and feel confident all is well. That's what they're there for...




answers from Reno on


I think that her doctor should take a look at your baby girl. Ear pain could be one of the things that mimic teething pain and could explain her excessive fussiness and the fact that your attempts to soothe her aren't effective for her.

Good Luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

If her feaver goes on for more than three days then take her to see her dr.
Teething can last for a long time sorry to say. My son teethed constantly two teeth at a time untill he was done.
Teething tablets work so good. You can get them in the baby section in most grocery stores, but target has them too.
There are teething bisquits also. They are messy but boy does it make them happy. Make sure to watch her while she has one.
Good luck,



answers from Honolulu on

Don't feel "dumb" about it at all. We Moms always have something we draw a "blank" on.

Some people use a frozen bagel. ??? I have never tried this myself. But, I know that gently rubbing their gums can sometimes help.

Maybe, is she sick or something? Often a baby is fussier when sick, and/or teething, or an ear problem? Perhaps just check with your Pediatrician to rule out anything else. He/she will look at her mouth.

But yes, she is mouthing everything, and this is usually because of teething. It seems you have tried a LOT of remedies... did you try the Hyland's teething tabs/drops? It's homeopathic and I used this with both my children.

My son liked to knaw on frozen things... and ANYTHING cold. I gave him crushed ice and he love that. Anytime he was teething, he'd want something frozen, and particularly ice.

If it is teething, they often will also get drooly too... and sometimes have runny poop. Have you looked at her gums? Teething pain can vary in length, sometimes its more than one tooth that is coming in, and each baby has their own "pain threshold." My first child, didn't even seem bothered with teething and did not have any discomfort. My second child, at around 6 months, started to get fussier at night and mouthed everything.

Also, around 6 months of age, they go through a growth spurt... at which time they get hungrier and may need to feed more and more frequently... .in addition to the increasing physical and cognitive changes.

Here is a link on teething:

take care,



answers from Los Angeles on

If baby Tylenol doesn't work, try baby Motrin. Tylenol works ok on my son, but Motrin works a lot better for some reason. Every time he has a fever and I give him Tylenol, it still lingers. When I give him Motrin, it completely disappears. You can also try letting her gum frozen waffle pieces. Also, if you aren't against it, you can put a little rum on ur finger and massage her gums. The rum will numb it and that massage will feel good. Or you can do the same thing with the Oragel. They also make these vibrating teethers could try one of those. Good Luck.



answers from Reno on

I feel you pain dear our LO is going threw the same thing and normally she is a really happy baby but there are those days.

1. I check Dravens temp on a regular basis and give her a small dose of tylenol if it is high.

2. homeopathic teething tablets by Hyland's are great they really do help alot at least for us .

3. Vaseline or baby aquorphor around the mouth if drooling is bad and you see her start to breakout a bunch this just protects the skin from the constant moisture of the drool.

4. Baby oragel can help if the fussiness is real bad. But i hear this can make the gums hard. We havent gone that route yet

5. anything they can chew on or get in there little mouth cloth. hard plastic toys, teething rings, hands, mom whatever draven is only 4 1/2 months so we have really worked wih introducing her to new censations in her mouth. We have some of the freezer style rings but have found so far that our LO doesnt like them cold yet.

You know trust your instincts on taking your LO to the doctor I dont know of a rule of thumb there if its nothing it is still better to be safe than sorry. I dont know of a specific time line babys get their teeth in or for how long its different for everyone Draven started about 2 weeks ago and nothing but drool and uncomfort here so far I have know it to go on for a few days to several weeks. The fussiness changes from day to day for us and really the only thing you can do is comfort them the best way possible and give them lots of loves and cuddels. We do find for us that favorite activities do bring us a short break from the fussiness because if nothing else it puts
Dra in a vetter mood for a few.



answers from San Diego on

Hey...My daughter, 4 1/2 month old, just got done with her "teething". She had a high fever and kept throwing up. All you can do is wait it out. As long as she has wet diapers and is eating good theres not a lot that you can do. I just kept putting my daughter in a cool bath. She liked the water and it helped with the fever. Also if you give her tyleol every 4-6 hrs then you can also give her ibuprophen every 4-6 hrs, but alternate them...i.e...tylenol at 12:00 ibuprophen at 2:00, tylenol at 4:00 ibuprophen at 6:00 and so on. That way she gets the same medication but you don't have to wait so long to give her more. It let my daughter sleep more.



answers from Reno on


For years, I have been using "Hylands" teething caps. They are all natural and work wonders. Just put three under her tongue and let them melt. I have used them from a childs' teething up to toothache in an adult. If you have braces, it helps with the pain also.

You get 125 tablets per bottle and you can give them 4-5 times a day.

You can find them in the baby section of the grocery store.



answers from Honolulu on

Homeopathics work really well for babies and kids and adults too. Hylands' teething tablets are good or just plain old chamomile homeopathic. We went thru several containers of chamomile when my 2.5 yr old was teething as a baby and we've used the teething tablets a lot too. Are you breastfeeding? If so, maybe try drinking chamomile tea and it will also transfer. Another natural remedy is Gripe Water which I've found really great for my 10 week old for digestive stuff and the bottle also says it's for teething problems. good luck, hang in there an this will pass!



answers from Los Angeles on

oh man i know how you feel what i found that worked the best with teething pain was gentle naturals teething drops! omg they are the best. what i did with my daughter was i gave her the teething drops and tylenol (every 4 hours) and if the tylenol didnt work i would give her a 1/2 dose of motrin on top of that (i got it okayed with her dr before doing that). try the drops they were a life saver for me!

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