Diva Cup - Gypsum,CO

Updated on December 10, 2010
K.A. asks from Gypsum, CO
9 answers

I have never heard of this until I just read a post from someone else. I looked it up on the internet and seems like a good idea but would like to hear from other moms.
Do you use this and do you like it?
Pros and Cons????

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I've never tried the diva cup, but I have use the Instead softcup. Similar idea. Different shape. It looks kind of like a diaphram - it has a flexible outer ring edge (that looks like a Livestrong bracelet, actually), and a cellophane looking cup attatched to the ring. Like the diva cup, it can be left in for up to 12 hours with no leaking, and no risk of toxic shock. Unlike the diva cup, it IS disposable, so not much more environmentally friendly, but more convenient, in that if you have to change it, you don't have to have a place to rinse it out before reinserting. You can simply insert a new one, if necessary. And another nice thing, is you CAN have it in during sex. No mess and you cannot tell it's in there. My fiance couldn't tell either.

I agree that you do have to be somewhat comfortable placing things in your vagina, and putting your fingers in to pull it out. I'd say that's the worst part, but truly NO big deal at all.

I definitely say either is worth a try. The instead is cheaper since it's disposable, and it can be bought at Target, Walgreens, etc. So that may be a place to start. If you find you like this kind of period protection, you may decide to try the diva cup.

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answers from San Francisco on

I have been using one for about a year and a half. LOVE IT!!! First, I only have to deal with it first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. This means I no longer faced with a barrage of awkward questions form my nosy 4 year old every period. It never leaks (once you learn to place it properly) , it doesn't ummm... dry me out like tampons do so I can wear it at the end of my period, and I can put it in if I think I might get my period.
It is a bit of an initial expense about $25 - $30. If you're easily grossed out it does have to be rinsed before re-inserion and boiled for 20 mins before you put it away at the end of your cycle.

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answers from Dallas on

Love it!!

Pros - can wear for a lot longer between changes than a tampon or pad (I can go the whole workday without emptying); no smell; can't tell it's there; hypoallergenic & environmentally friendly; don't have to spend $$ on pads/tampons; can wear for longer in my cycle - from very light days to very heavy days only need one product.

Cons - There really aren't any, the things that could be called a con are so minor that they don't enter into the equation for me. However, it can be messy to empty if you aren't at home, but it's still doable and I rarely have to empty when I'm out because I can go several hours between empties; getting it to 'fit' right takes a little getting used to; you have to be comfortable with messing around 'in there' - ie if you have a problem with applicator free tampons then this probably wouldn't work for you either.

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answers from Chicago on

I thought about the Diva when I first heard about them too, but I researched a ton and decided on another. I have the Lunette cup and LOVE IT. I've been using it for about four months now, and I wish I had discovered it decades ago! My period is no longer even a thought- I have less cramping and love that I don't have to worry about changing tampons or carrying them with me when I go out. I can't say enough good things about it! I've talked them up to all my friends (I'm sure they wanted to hear about it... ;) ). Here's a board all about cups. There are dozens of manufacturers, sizes, etc. so you have to decide what will work for you. The things that helped me decide on the brand were on this site- the chart comparisons and the pictures comparing each to the other. Hope you love it as much as I did!

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answers from Dallas on

I've used a Diva Cup for several years and love it! I will never go back to using anything else.



answers from Atlanta on

I second the love of the Diva Cup! It does take some practice, so don't put it in for the first time when you need to run out the door and be gone all day! Otherwise, it is very comfortable (can't even feel it!), way cheaper than buying a box or two of tampons every month, and you are able to measure the amount of blood so you know what is normal for you, and when to call the OB. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Before I got pregnant, I used a Diva Cup for several years. Love love love it. It took a while to get the hang of how to get it in correctly so it doesn't leak, so at first I wore a pad at the same time just in case. When I figured out how it feels when it pops into place correctly, I stopped wearing pads. I love the fact that it's environmentally friendly (less garbage in our land fills, less paper products), more sanitary (silicone less likely to cause TSS, for example), more cost effective (one time investment of $30 for a year's use vs. the cost of tampons, pads, and new underwear/clothes due to leaks), doesn't ever leak (after you get the hang of it) and that you can't tell it's there at all.

The only thing I don't like about it is that on heavier flow days, I sometimes need to empty it mid-day in a public restroom stall at work where the only way to clean it out before re-inserting it is to wipe it out with tissue. That's not really a big deal or unsanitary, but something to get used to.

After I have the baby, I will get a new one (or maybe check out the Lunette Cup as Jen P. mentions). Diva Cup recommends replacing them each year anyway, and I imagine my original size will probably not work any more and I'll need to get a bigger one.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I have NEVER heard of this! But after reading everyones useful information I am totally going to check this out, Thanks so much!! I hate when aunt flo is in town, anything to make her visit better is always welcome!!


answers from Dallas on

I've been using mine for about a year and a half. I LOVE it! Honest I wish I would have known about it earlier in my life!
I promised to give myself at least 5 cycles of trying when I began no matter what.
Within two cycles I was sold.
I will say that in the beginning it was practice, practice and more practice. I suggest practicing when you are NOT on your period. Helps when you are not bleeding, cramping and just uncomfortable.
It's so clean and you don't have that awful mess in your pants!
I started having a rash with pads and hated tampons. I figured if I hated tampons I wouldn't like the cup. Wrong!
It's gets my thumbs up.
If you decide to try it and need some help or advice, please message me.

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