Random Questions: Make up Foundation for Summer Time and the Menstrual Cup

Updated on June 01, 2015
G.T. asks from Canton, MA
13 answers

Hi ladies! Can anyone recommend a make-up foundation that doesn't slide off your face or make pores look huge in humid weather?! I am looking preferably for a drug store brand as dept stores and places like Sephora are too pricey, and a hike for me to get to.

Also, I have been reading about products like the soft cup and diva cup as an alternative to tampons - and thay they are especially great for women with heavy periods (nothing like leaking at the pool or beach over the summer!) AND that they can be worn during sex. Really?
I would love to hear people's experience with these. Thanks!

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answers from Miami on

I tried Bare Minerals foundation, but it showed EVERY wrinkle in my skin. Boy, was that a disappointment. A liquid foundation doesn't accentuate my mid-fifties. Yea for that... (I do use the Bare Minerals blush, though. That works well for me.)

If you don't have wrinkles yet, maybe it will work for you.

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answers from Norfolk on

Can't help you with the makeup question.

Diva cup you can't wear during sex - the soft cup? maybe (I didn't use it that long - it was right before menopause that I started using it).
If you've got a heavy period you'll probably have to empty the Diva more frequently but it is pretty leak proof once you have the knack of placing it just right.

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answers from Anchorage on

I have used both the soft cups (can be worn during sex) and the diva style cups (can not be worn during sex), and I prefer the diva style, although I could not use the actually Diva cup because it was too long (the Lunette cup is shorter). While the soft cup was great for sex I never felt secure that it would not leak and had issues changing it with out making a mess. The diva style cup had a learning curve, but after a couple of months I had it down and now my periods are shorter and I have less cramping.

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answers from San Francisco on

For me personally, Bare Minerals made my face look like a grease slick during the summer. What tends to work better for me is the Clinique Stay-Matte Oil-Free foundation, mixed half-and-half with Murad Oil-Free Mattifier SPF 15. I mix it on my fingertip, dot it around my face, and blend with a synthetic foundation brush. I only have to use an amount the size of a pea of the foundation (and an equal amount of the moisturizer), so my foundation lasts for 6+ months. It's enough to even out my skin tone, but doesn't look or feel heavy, and stays put all day. I buy both items at Ulta. I don't know if there's one near you.

I use a Diva cup and love it. It's one of those life-changing things. Once you figure it out, you'll never go back to tampons. I have a very heavy flow, and it's really nice not to have to worry about leaks. It's also pretty comfortable (I forget it's there, really). You can't have sex with it in, though.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Have you tried the Loreal BB Cream foundation in a tube?
Light awesome skin matching coverage.
I stumbled upon it when they were out of my usual Magic Nude Loreal.
Also Almay has a good tinted moisturizer if you want really light coverage--love that too!
Diva Cup? Never used it-sorry! Always lived ob tampons--no leaking.

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answers from Asheville on

I use Almay Smart Shade makeup. It doesn't feel heavy or greasy, and has SPF 15. Goes on light and sheer. I think you can get it just about anywhere.
I don't know anything about the cups. Sorry!

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answers from New York on

I second Bare Minerals. It's pricier than drug store brands but the jar will last you a very long time and comes with great brushes. You can find mineral foundation in drug stores too. If you go to a Bare Minerals, they will assist you in picking a color, too.

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answers from Dallas on

Love Bare Minerals and the Diva Cup. Can't use the Diva Cup during sex.


answers from Dallas on

I use a light base by Clinique which is similar to a tinted moisturizer and then I use loose powder.

I know that's a dept store brand but it's not that pricey and last a long time. I believe the drugstore brand Almay is similar to Clinique products.

Can't help with Diva cup, I don't have to bother with periods anymore but that just sounds gross and much messier to me. Hope you find what you like!!



answers from Norfolk on

Diva Cup is great! Does take a bit to break it in and get used to it. Highly recommend it. Can't use it during sex.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I don't wear foundation so can't help with that.

Instead Softcup is a good option to try out a cup, because you can pick them up in most stores like CVS, Rite Aid, etc. I liked it, but you need to be really comfortable with your body. It says it can be worn during sex, but I think that would be messy so I never tried. Once I got used to Instead, I was going to try a Diva because I heard it was even better, but then got Mirena and now don't need either :)


answers from Boston on

I use the Bare Mineral foundation. Spf and hypoallergenic. I do use and Aveeno Moisturizer, which has sunscreen and isn't greasy. I love all their products!

I have never heard of the menstrual cup. I'm intrigued, but that's about it! Ha!

Happy summer!



answers from Baton Rouge on

I don't wear makeup except on stage so I can't help you there.

I used a cup and really liked it, but I never heard of wearing it during sex. I took it out and we just put a towel down on the bed to keep blood off the sheets.

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