Mooncup or Diva Cup?

Updated on October 07, 2010
M.P. asks from Orem, UT
6 answers

So I'm wanting to switch to a cheaper and better for me menstrual care but which cup should I use?? Diva or Moon? Or is there another brand I should know about?

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answers from Boise on

I'm so glad that you posted this. I was looking into the Diva Cup for when my period starts up again and loved the washable liners too. I didn't even know that there were other options. I will keep looking for further advice.



answers from Chicago on

I love my Diva Cup. It DOES have a learning curve so be prepared to learn all about yourself! Mine leaks slightly if I have a heavy flow day, I guess my body just isn't shaped where I won't have leaks. Still, it leaks less than tampons, just a few drops on my pantyliner.

I haven't tried the Mooncup, but my Diva Cup combined with homemade cloth pantyliners has saved me a bundle already! Plus it's great for the environment!



answers from Denver on

I have used the Diva for a little over two years and have loved it! I have encouraged several friends to convert and they have been equally as thrilled.



answers from Chicago on

I was just going to give you the same website! I just got a Lunette cup and did weeks of research before ordering it. I haven't yet used it, but I've read over and over there's a learning curve with any of them, and before you decide to give it up, give it time. Each cup is a different shape and size, as well as softness, so you have to decide which is right for you. I got very confused with all of the choices, so I'm really hoping I made a good decision!! Good luck with yours!



answers from Gainesville on

I have the Diva based on recommendations of several ladies. One swears she can use it with no back up! I'm not that brave plus I have weird anatomy so I almost always have leaks no matter what I use. But everyone that I know that has one raves about it. It's not really hard to learn to use. Just takes a little practice.

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