It depends what you mean. I always enforce time-outs when he is in time-out.
How often is he in time-out? It really depends. Time-out is not our primary discipline method. We use time-outs only in the following circumstances:
- an unacceptable behavior (he knows the list, but basically it is aggressive behaviors, hitting, biting, kicking, pushing... or dangerous ones such as running on parking lots/sidewalks) I think he has about one/week, usually for pushing his little sister;
- failure to do something or stop doing something after we ask 3 times (we do the 1, 2, 3 magic) This one is very rare, he usually obeys at one or two. For that, he also have other consequences (like toy taken away if he misuses it or refuses to share
All discipline strategies together, I would say he gets "punished" (time outs or other) 3-4 times a week. But, then, some days would be several times when something is going on.
Also, for any given offense, we ALWAYS consistently give the same consequence. As he grows, we add new rules (staying quiet at dinner time, no jumping on the sofa...) and generally the first days when we add a new rule, he "tests" the limits and consistency so has more consequences.
Also, we pick up our battles, so that there are not too many forbidden behaviors (so less punishments) and we often talk with him about his feelings and behaviors instead of punishing.