I ended up having a crown put on when I was in my second trimester - which the dentist and my OB/GYN both said was the best time to have any dental work done. I had no problems. Good Luck.
Hi all,
I am 5 mos pregnant and I just learned that I have to have a root canal. My OB is fine with it but I am nervous about the medication and xrays. The dentist will use 2 lead shields and the xrays are minimal. However, I just wanted some reassurance from other moms.
I went and had the procedure and all went well. Thanks for everyone's responses. If anyone needs a root canal specialist recommendation, I can pass on her information.
I ended up having a crown put on when I was in my second trimester - which the dentist and my OB/GYN both said was the best time to have any dental work done. I had no problems. Good Luck.
I had a (really bad) root canal when I was pregnant (took 3 visits to complete - UGH!). They had me wait until my third trimester to do it. The X-ray exposure is so small and very precise so there isn't any real danger to the baby. My problem was the antibiotics made me sick so we struggled to find something I could take to stem the chance of infection that wouldn't make me throw up and was ok during pregnancy.
I found out that I needed this done around 7 months of pregnancy. I had not had x-rays in a couple years and the denstist told me I needed 2 smallish cavities filled and possibe a crown for a bigger cavity. He said there was no problem in waiting until after I had my baby. He told me to brush diligently and use the ACT flouride rinse. I had the work done when my baby was about 6 weeks old.
Why not just wait?
My cousin in an hygienist and she said part of the process they do in a root canal kills thousands of brain cells!
I would not go there, if it kills that much in you, what will that do in the baby!! cap it until later!!!
Ex-rays, ultra sound, hearing those words alone, what does your gut tell you? Moms know best!!! Follow your heart!!!
Yes, don't worry, it's not like they'll be giving you general anesthesia, and they will do double shields; the alternative is a diseased tooth that can make you extremely sick.
Yes, I had major dental work with all 3 pregnancies. Don't the old wives say "a tooth per child". I had wisdom teeth extracted and one root canal and 1 bout of oral surgery. The hardest part is dealing with taking only minimal pain medication. The first 24 hours are rough. All 3 children are fine.
I don't know how recently you've had a root canal- but they're much more tolerable than they used to be. I'm sure you and the baby will be just fine. Good luck!
I had a wisdom tooth pulled when I was 5 months back in January. It was causing so much pain and I was afraid of it getting infected. My dentist didn't have to do an x ray, but if he did, he would've done the double shield too. He just gave me a local to numb up the area and pulled the tooth out. My ob said I could take Tylenol for the pain, but I never felt any pain after that visit. It's probably a little different with a root canal. You should be fine. Congrats on your pregnancy, we are having our second little girl in May.
Hi, K., Please don't worry. First of all, you are far enough along that things are pretty well "set" - know what I mean? I am a dental hygienist; I have seen MANY pregnant women have dental work done during their pregnancies - no problems ever! You'll be fine, and so will your sweet new baby girl. Take care. N.
I did when I was pregnant with my 2nd child in about 6/7months in. I did need an x-ray but they only did the one tooth. I also have MVP(mitral valve prolaps, heart condition) and all went well. I premedicated with Amoxicilion and that was it. All was fine wiht me and my now 2yr old daughter.
My dentist found 3 cavities when I was in my 1st trimester. She said to consult with my OB about filling them, but it was fine to do them during my 2nd tri. My OB agreed, and I had 3 fillings(3 seperate areas) done at once. No problems whatsoever! Both my dentist and my OB/GYN were pregnant at the time and both said they would do it if they needed it themselves.
Hi K.,
I got a cavity filled & some old fillings replaced when I was 8 months pregnant. Both my OB & dentist were fine with it. Good luck!
Its ok, just tell the dentist. They will know the right numbing stuff (in consideration of your condition) to use. I had a root canal done pregnant too. It seemed like I remember when I told the dentist that they said something like , "ok..we will use.....whatever..whatever" . I dont really know though if it was something different than the norm though for sure. But it just feels better knowing you let them know for sure first. Its ok. :) Don't worry and congrats!!
I had to do the same thing just last week. It was a very big and deep filling. It went very good. The doctor agree'd and teh dentist told me not to wait or it would be a root canal! BTW I am also 21 weeks. When are you due? I am having a girl too!!