I also had dental work while pregnant. I had a tooth pulled when I was preg w/ #2, I had a crown done when I was pregnant w/ #3 and had my wisdom teeth pulled (I was actually 8 months pregnant), and I had a tooth pulled w/ #4. I also let my teeth go neglected b/c of cost, and ended up having to get several teeth pulled b/c I waited too long -- yes they could have down root canals and crowns - but I just couldn't afford them. I was passed my 1st trimester w/ all the procedures. I did go into early labor w/ #4 -- and by then I definately have some teeth issues I had neglected. My dentist suggested it was b/c of the decay in my mouth - but I suppose no one knows for sure.
If you're past your 1st trimester, I recommend taking care of your teeth - if you can't afford the root canal and or crown - then if they are back teeth - you can always get them pulled for relatively cheap. It's not the preferred thing to do --- but pain and cost are ruling factors also. I've had 4 pulled - not exactly the best thing - but I just couldn't afford the root canals and crowns -- I actually have 3 root canals and crowns I still need to get done -- because I neglected my teeth for so long. Had I gone to the dentist regularly, I could have gotten fillings done for $20 w/ my insurance, instead of the $800 per tooth I'll be paying now.
You can still get painkillers - if I remember correctly I had to have 1% or 2% lidocane w/o epinephrine (sp) and all of my children were just fine and did not suffer any side effects from the dental anestithia (sp).
Because your tooth is throbbing, you should really go see a dentist - no x-rays of course b/c you're only 9 weeks - but there might be an infection which you need to be on antibiotics for. The infection can be very serious for you and your baby.
Good Luck to you!
~~Homeschooling Mom to 4 Little Texans~~