Daycares in Austin Seem Terrible

Updated on January 15, 2008
M.T. asks from Austin, TX
4 answers

I am looking for the best daycare for my 18mo. child (plus I will be having another one soon). I have looked around Austin for some decent daycares and each one I visit seems small, dirty, and just boring. I can't seem to find anything that will help my daughter learn and grow. I currently have my daughter at the Children's Courtyard in Cedar Park. It is a further drive for me, but it was the only acceptable facility at the time. Recently, I have been very disappointed in a few things I have been seeing there and want to pull her out of there. I want my daughter to be taught positive things and be encouraged to learn and grow in a nurturing environment.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a daycare they really like? I don't care where it is located (as long at it isn't in the East side of Austin. I am willing to travel as far as necessary to get my child into a good daycare.

I have researched this site and looked at other requests, but it doesn't seem like many people answer the daycare questions. That might be because there aren't any PLEASE reply if you know of one. Thanks!

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answers from Austin on

I know of 2 excellent facilities, but both are pricey and have a waiting list: 1)Primrose in Round Rock (off of Forest Creek) 2) Prodigy - it's off Mopac and Parmer (sort of) near the North Austin Medical Center.

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answers from Austin on (My Friends House daycare)

I have a 3 year old who has been in childcare since she was 3months. There is a daycare located at the school where I work, so I have been so lucky to be right there with her. I also worked at a large corporate daycare prior to this. I would check out smaller daycare centers and don't forget the once that are run by churches. The facilities may not be as sparkley as the big ones, but sometimes you find lower ratios and more creativity by the teachers. Good luck!

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answers from Austin on

I always direct my friends to the Texas Department of Protective Service's website. They regulate all home and center-based daycares.

Good luck!



answers from Austin on

Try Sweet Dreams 24 Hour Childcare Facility @ ###-###-####.

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