Looking for Caring Daycare Facility or Home Based Care in the North Dallas Area

Updated on October 30, 2009
C.G. asks from Dallas, TX
4 answers


I am in search of a daycare facility or home based daycare that you can personally recommend. I am looking for a super clean, safe environment where my child will be nurtured and cared for.

I have been looking and have found a few possibilities but I would like to open my net before making any decisions . . please help . . I have no family here and need to feel comfortable with my decision.

Thanks in advance!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi C.!

I don't know exactly where you are located, but we LOVE Kids R Kids of West Allen. (The facility is located on Alma Drive.) We have only been there since August, but our DD absolutely loves it, as do we. The staff there has been so wonderful to us and our DD. We have a son who is scheduled to arrive on Monday, and when I return to work, our plan is for him to go to the same facility.

Good luck in your search, as I know how difficult it can be. We looked at several different facilities before deciding on this one.



answers from Dallas on

Look at this associations website, www.pickofnorthtexas.com and see if there is anyone close to you on there. Also, there is a Link section on this website, check the State's website out. This is a good source for all day care needs. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

I own and operate a small state registered in-home childcare in Far North Dallas (Frankford/Tollway), and I have an opening. I only keep 4 or 5 kids at the time.
If you want more info, please call me, I do not received mamasource emails on my inbox anymore, so I might not be able to reply quikly if you email me.
Bambini&Co. in-home childcare



answers from Dallas on


I was in your shoes a year ago and after interviewing several daycares in the Carrollton area, I found my perfect match at Parker-Chase Child Developement Center at Marsh Ridge and Hebron. My daughter was 3 months when I went back to work and I fell in love with the care providers there. I cannot say enough positive words about them! Good luck on your search- feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.

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