I don't have to deal with teenagers yet as far as them being my children but I do have siblings who are teenagers and I am just out of the stage of being a teenager myself as I am only 24. The best teacher is experience and it took a long time for my mother to grasp on to that concept because she tried to tell me that I was getting into trouble with thte wrong crowd and that I was doing things the wrong way and I always did the opposite of what she asked me to do now I have 3 children to show for it. Granted I love my babies to death and I wouldn't trade them for the all the gold in the world but it always makes me think what if I had done things different. So the only advice that I can give is tend to your husband who needs you the most and let ewxperience teach her lifes great lesson. Never stop loving her and letting her know that you love her and once she is done with thte experience that the world has to offer she will appreciate you more as a person and as her mother and then the hurtful things that she says she will apologize for them because I know that i had to. Good Luck!