Sounds like swollen lymph nodes. They swell when fighting an infection and can remain swollen for months or even years.
Have you or your child ever had one of these?
I did a small search and it does not to look to be serious. But, that is via a search.
I will def get it checked at next visit.
We just counted and she has 3 of them. She is not sick, tired or under weight.
They are under her skin. You cannot see them...
Just a few minor allergies.
I am going to call the nurse at the ped's office tomorrow and see if she should be seen in a few days.
Pediatrician? Or specialist?
Sounds like swollen lymph nodes. They swell when fighting an infection and can remain swollen for months or even years.
Probably a swollen gland. She may be coming down w/ something. My daughter had it when she was a toddler. It went away after a week or so.
My teen son is a wrestler. As such, they routinely end up passing ringworm around...
He had some ringworm (it's actually a fungus growing on/in the skin, not a worm! lol) on the back oh his neck near the hairline. During the time he was treating it, he had a small, lump (large pea sized) come and go a few times on the side of his neck. If you look up a diagram of the neck, you will see there are a ton of glands that can swell when your body is fighting off an infection. I'd bet your daughter has some sort of infection she's fighting off. Maybe she just hasn't noticed it, or maybe her body is successful in fighting it to the point there aren't any symptoms of the infection.
I'd keep an eye on it for a bit before I rushed her to the doctor.
Probably lymph node. No harm in calling your doctor to be sure. Did she recently have a cold or ear infection or anything? Or trouble in a tooth? That could explain it.
Good luck
My 11 yo had a couple of these behind his ear. We took him to get it checked out, dr saild it was swollen glands from all the colds/junk going around and not to worry unless it didn't go away. They were gone in a week.
I had one for years on my neck. No doc seemed to know what it was until one day my Gyn noticed it and said it was a benign cyst (it had a fancy name and apparently is quite common). He gave me a plastic surgeons name who removed it and it was exactly what the gyn and plastic surgeon said it was. It did getter bigger over time esp when I squeezed and touched it.
My advice is to watch it and eventually go to a plastic surgeon for removal.
I would call the doctor's office today. I don't get the idea of waiting; if this is a sign of something, the sign could be gone in a few days but the issue might still be present.
Sometimes a swollen node or other swelling is the first, or for a long time the only, sign of an infection or other condition. I would not wait until the next scheduled checkup which could be months away. She could have an infection with no other symptoms yet a simple blood test could find it.
If it turns out to be nothing, that's great, but why wait to find out? This is what doctors are there for. And if you have a doctor who belittles you or makes you feel silly for "coming in for nothing" -- you need to find a new doctor.
It could very well be swollen glands. I remember my son having these when he was a baby. They definitely persisted for awhile after he was sick, well after the other symptoms had gone away.
I would call the pediatrician to be sure, but I don't think you have to worry.
If you can pick it up between your fingers and move it around, meaning it's actually separate from the gland itself, that's when you might have a problem.
Lymph nodes. Mine were swollen a couple weeks ago from a nasty cold. They swell when they are trying to cleans your blood so if she hasn't have an obvious illness you may want to have it checked out.
My 19 year old son just had one. He was probably fighting off some sort of infection, because he ended up with a cough and stuffy nose down the road. Is your child very thin? My son is and the doctor said it looked big on him because he is so thin (he's a runner in college). If it does not go away or you don't notice any illness coming on, I would definitely get it checked out though.
My 12 year old has one of those. When we asked the pediatrician about it they said it was a swollen lymph node. She still has it almost a year later. When we go in for her yearly checkup, or the next time she is at the Dr we will probably ask about it again. They did not seem concerned at the time though.
I get them occassionally...normally when I'm sick. They have always gone away within a matter of weeks, so what everyone is saying makes sense to me.