We don't have a set schedule, except for lunch, nap, and dinner. They wake up, get dressed, and have breakfast usually between 7:30 and 8:30. We do random activities (color, read books, play outside, go to the store, mama's errands, sometimes watch a movie, go to a park, sing songs) in the morning. We have a gymnastics place near us that has an "open gym" two days a week, so sometimes we go there for $5 and then they run around. Lunch is usually about 11:30, and then nap at 12:30-1. When they wake from nap, they eat a snack and free-play by themselves. (Sometimes I have to prep them - blow up a balloon, get out the crayons, etc., but I use this time to prep dinner.) Dinner is between 5 and 6, then calm-down time with reading books or watching a show, before the bedtime routine begins.
For meals, my almost 3-yr-old is becoming pickier, but her favorites are PBJ sandwich, grilled cheese, quesodillas (with healthy stuff hidden inside), turkey sausage, beef hot dogs, and pasta with parmesean cheese sprinkled. We sometimes do the Tyson chicken breast strips or the Fisherboy fish sticks, but we try to stay away from too many of the processed frozen foods. She also likes beans, cheese, and any fruit. Sometimes for dinner, I slice up potatoes and toss them in olive oil with a little salt and pepper and bake them. The girls love them. I tried doing it with zucchini and squash too, but I can't get them quite as crispy, so they aren't as keen on those.
For snacks, they love the all-natural Cheetos, goldfish crackers, any fruit, saltine crackers, yogurt, applesauce, fruit strips (Target has organic, all natural fruit strips).
I've found that my toddler may reject a new food three or four times, but then the next time, she'll eat it. Keep offering "rejected" foods even if he appears to ignore them.