Hi Y.!! I am an in-home provider and can tell you some about childcare costs.
In-Home care can range anywhere from $130 per week (for a provider who keeps more children, does drop-ins, has a high turnover, lives in a lower income area etc...)to $210 a week (for a high-demand provider or certified teacher.) I personall charge $195 (I have no openings so I am not advertising for myself.) Some in-home providers will give a discount for siblings.
I know my friend takes her son to Kindercare and pays $175 a week. Some of the daycares that cater to upper income professionals can be $1200 per month plus.
Bottom line, visit all of the daycare centers in person. Ask LOTS of questions. Whoever you use, look them up on the Texas licensing website to see if they've been written up. Ask to look at their ENTIRE house/center. If they say they do pre-school, ask to see some of the work they've done. Try to fins a list of specific questions you can ask each center/provider.
Also remember, you get what you pay for. If you run into providers who charge significantly less, there may be a good reason they charge less.
Good luck :)