Love my cloth diapers!
I started by taking Joanne's free cloth diapering workshop ( and was totally overwhelmed with the options. Then started reading more, talking to moms, and chose a combination of pocket style one-style (Bum Genius 3.0) and since my sister had given me a couple dozen really high quality prefolds, I bought a few diaper covers to use with those.
So easy! I wash every 3 days or so. I use Arm and Hammer Green Essentials liquid and only a tablespoon per load so it lasts forever. I do a first rinse to rinse out liquid poo and pee, then a full wash/rinse with detergent on hot, then an extra rinse to make sure the detergent is washed out. I've never bleached my dipes and some say you shouldn't. If I've used a bit of diaper cream on my dd, I'll squirt a bit of Dawn dish soap in the wash, if I'm worried about a bit of diaper rash coming on, I'll pour a bit of white vinegar in the last rinse to discourage bacterial growth. I separate out the covers (anything waterproof) from the prefolds and soakers, dry the prefolds/soakers in the dryer, let the covers air dry, then assemble as needed (some do this all at once, some do this per changing).
Dirty diapers go in a dry pail (I just use a large trash bin with the lid off for air circulation). Solid poops are scooped up with either tp or (I use) cloth wipes and dropped in the toilet, otherwise, everything goes in the dry pail.
Yes, you use water and that's bad for the environment (though it can be cleaned and put back in the ocean to be used again). But tightly wrapped poo/pee bombs in gel, sometimes double wrapped in an extra bag, are waaay worse. Yes, you do have to do laundry, but I've only found it to be 2.5 extra loads a week. And while I personally dread doing regular laundry, I actually enjoy washing dipes.
Finally, and most importantly for me, I love knowing that I don't have to go out and buy a bag of disposable diapers, then moments later, 'loaded' with a drop of pee, feeling guilty for checking her bum and putting the dirty dipe back on her, I change her, and throw that diaper away! Money I could have spent elsewhere.
And you can have fun, trying different diapers, different covers, different systems; the BG3.0s are perfect for my husband and MIL, I don't mind the covers/prefolds.
Regarding the environmental and economic impacts issue:
It's long but interesting. May help sway you either way! Good luck! Email me directly with questions!