Circo Wall Decals

Updated on September 19, 2010
S.B. asks from Anoka, MN
7 answers

Hi Mamas~
Has anyone used the Circo brand wall decals from Target? I have some to go with my daughter's new 'big girl room' but just wanted to know if anyone has ever had to remove them after awhile and had problems. I did a 'test flower' (it's a flower/butterfly design) and the test flower is staying put, but I just wonder about down the road in a few years when she may not want them anymore. Any issues with removal?

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answers from Boston on

Not sure about removal but I have had the cars up in my sons room for over a year and they stay nice and stuck. It looks like they will be nice and easy to pull off when the time comes.



answers from Philadelphia on

I've never used that particular brand, but I have used many, many different designs over the years. I have never had a problem with any of them. They stay put and come off clean and even sticky enough to reapply elsewhere. I LOVE them! I don't know why they weren't invented sooner! Big fan!!!



answers from Cedar Rapids on

I've used those to deco my kids' rooms & play room over the yrs & have never had a problem w/removal. If the walls are rough they tend not to stick fyi. They really need a smooth surface.


answers from Dallas on

I used them in my daughter's big girl room too (butterflies) but they didn't stick very well and when we removed the ones that did stick they took the paint off with them. Ours wasn't a great experience.
I think I have read since then that if you use them on an outside wall (which we did) the outside temps could affect them. Also you're supposed to wait a few months after you paint to put them up. I'm not sure why, maybe so the paint won't come off with them like ours did.


answers from Provo on

I used a similar brand and they came off clean.



answers from Minneapolis on

I have the CIrco circles on my daughters walls right now and they stick fine. I have taken one down to reposition it and that was fine too. We do not have textured walls, they are flat, so i am not sure if that makes a difference.



answers from Minneapolis on

Good experience for us! They have stayed put for over 6 months now, and I've repositioned a few in that time with no problems. Have fun!

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