Carpet Cleaner Recommendations

Updated on July 18, 2008
N.K. asks from Farmington, MI
8 answers

We are looking to get our carpets professionally cleaned. There are a lot of services out there that are around the same price. Does anyone have a company that they recommend that has done a good job, or know reasons to use one over another? Some common ones I have seen are: Sears, ChemDry, Hagopian, Stanley Steamer?
Thank you!

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answers from Detroit on

I swear by Modernistic and Hagopian!! I used 'another' company once.. and my house stunk for days.. i swear they either cleaned it w/dirty water from the truck or it was the technician's bo.. i kicked myself for NOT using the two I swear by. I will ONLY use those two now! Both are VERY VERY professional, through upon through, quality work, and the prices are well worth it, yet not highway robbery. ValPak and other coupon publications always have Modernistic coupons.! Good Luck!

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answers from Detroit on

Try Steaming Mad ###-###-####. I know the family that owns the company and they are great!

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answers from Detroit on

I think most are all priced the same - but I try to get one when they are offering a sale. I am not sure if the rates are going up due to gas now?

I would check to see if any of them are using anything natural in their process? It's usually better for you anyway.

I have found that vinegar and baking soda works great for my with my cream-colored carpet at stain control! It's better than anything I have found. (especially for odor with potty training!) ;)



answers from Detroit on

Hi N.,

Have you considered trying to find a company that uses more natural cleaners? Most carpet cleaning solutions are toxic for kids & pets. If this is important to you, you might want to look into it.

We mix our own carpet cleaning solution from more natural cleaners. It cleans better than anything we've used before. I get these from my home business. Find out if any of those companies offer that.

If you'd like to know more here's my website:



answers from Detroit on

Modernistic! If anywhere near Royal Oak, ask for Steve Moranic and try not to get anyone else. Reference: the Pecks & Hombergers of Bloomfield Hills. Steve does Rummage Sale carpet cleanup for First United Methodist Church on Maple Ave. in Birmingham MI ###-###-#### if you need them ask for Nancy Keesee, Director of Buildings & Grounds.



answers from Detroit on

We've used Chemdry and they were awesome! They managed to clean our carpet after my daughter knocked over a HUGE red melted candle! Not a single spot was left!

We have them come back 2x a year. We always wait for their specials. Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

We recently went with Selective Carpet Cleaning in Plymouth (we live in Northville) and they were quick (we did have all the furniture moved for them), did a great job and could come in the evening when my husband was home at no extra charge. I felt they were very reasonably priced. I would use them again.



answers from Detroit on

Hello N.
I'm Ms Dee Dee, and I have used for many years Capitol Carpet Cleaning, located in Ferndale Mi, they will dye your carpet and make it look like new, they also do a great job cleaning carpet as well, I won't use anyone else, Oh and the prices are great too! You can contact them at ###-###-####.

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