i am a step parent, my husband is, and i have step parents on both sides, i've had both sides of the stick good and evel steps..my step mom is who i try to follow after, she is such a loving caring person and only intervenes (where i can see it) if i ask her to and even still perfer's my dad to take the action when needed...i just started calling her mom, and perfer to be around her more than my mom BUT i didn't grow up with her around either (step mom) which i think has a lot to do with it. my step dad, whom my mom is now divorcing I HATED and still can't stand him...never did, he never treated me, or my brother like his own, even though i understand the children need time with THEIR parents, if step anythings are going to bond, the PARENT needs to make that effort, my step dad ALWAYS treated my brother and i porly compared HIS kids. because of my experience's growing up, i refuse to treat my step kids like anything less than my own and will not accept anything less from my husband towards my daughter (but they have a GREAT relationship so i dont' worry too much about that)...of course that's hard as hell to do, because well, they KNOW they are not yours and your are not theirs. I dont' give my step kids permission for SQUAT because they were trying to cause issues between us, instead my husband is the disiplinarian and i am the rewarder. if i have a problem with them i will talk to HIM about it, if their room is not clean to OUR standards at the end of the weekend, then i will show him and let him take action...both parents need to be commited to all children involved, and the step mom and the step dad needs to be aware of their boundaries with the kids...i WILL not tolerate my daughter's step mom calling on behalf of her dad for her welfare...if it's an emergency or it would be better for her to pick my daughter up, then yes i will take that call, other than that it's taken her 10 years to learn to "back off". as a step mom myself, i practice the same, i will not talk to/call my step daughters mom for any reason, unless it's an emergency, if i need to go pick them up without him, he will call and make sure she's cool, if not, i don't go if he cannot make the call because of an emergency, then yes i will, but even still perfer his side of the family to do so to avoid any confrontation between her and i causing issues between me and them
Being a step parent definately has it's boundaries, it's hard to love a child as your own when they are not your own and they retaliate, but you HAVE to do it if you want a good relationship and have a good home life. BUT you can't over do it, and while treating them as your own, you have to maintain that boundary that they silently set, or that the husband sets...as a mom you have no boundaries with your kids, but as a stepparent the boundary is a THIN LINE and easy to step off of