Braking a Chain Link

Updated on January 26, 2010
J.C. asks from Chicago, IL
18 answers

My daughter got a chain link from her preschool. I am suppose to send the chain link & a pack of stickers to the person next on the list & then send it to 6 other people. I feel bad for braking the chain but have no desire to follow through. I really just am to busy & when I have a little extra time thats the last thing I want to spend my time on. What are your thoughts on this.

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BTW I should have said it was NOT directly from the preschool, it was from a little girl in her preschool. I will go by super majority that says to break it (we never got a pack of stickers in the envelope). Thanks Mamas.

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answers from Chicago on

I wouldn't feel guilty at all about breaking it. Very few people actually follow through. I'd say just toss it - you'll be in very good company :)

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answers from Chicago on

The first time I got one of those I emailed my friend who sent it to me and apologized but said I wasn't going to do it. The second time I got one I thought it might be fun to receive so many stickers so I went ahead and did it. We got ONE pack of stickers back in the mail. I say BREAK IT! I like what Angela said...if more people break it then maybe we won't get them anymore!!

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answers from Milwaukee on

ahh.. break it.. don't worry about it. that's why they send it to 6 people, they know most people break them.. I am sure those who would have received it from you would be grateful to know that you decided not to.


ahh.. break it.. don't worry about it. that's why they send it to 6 people, they know most people break them.. I am sure those who would have received it from you would be grateful to know that you decided not to.

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answers from Dallas on

Break it. If more people broke them, maybe eventually we would stop receiving them. :)

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answers from Chicago on

I totally understand you feeling busy and overwhelmed, however how long does it actually take to follow through with this? These are little kids... do you you really want to let them down, especially your daughter? I would say, just do it and think of it as one of the many sacrafices we make as mothers for the sake of our children! :-)

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answers from Portland on

Was the request generated by the school, or by some mom who's desperately trying not to break the chain of some outside origin? If it's an individual, you are merely an unlucky target of an out-of-control process.

I'm really resistant to getting hooked into chains like this, for the same reason. Why spend your valuable life energy on someone else's whim? And you won't be the only resistant person to want out.

I'd contact the person who sent you the request and politely decline. I've done this before, and the world didn't come to an end. Nor did anyone get upset with me, as far as I know.

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answers from Chicago on

break the chain!!!! they never work anyway!!!! the minute i get one of them or those other ridiculous "send this to 7 people and something wonderful will happen to you" letters, i delete asap!!! i am offended that someone thinks that i wanna sit around and address envelopes and spend money on stickers, etc... so that my kids can get nothing back in return. esp. when the email or letter says "don't be the person to let a child down by breaking the chain!!!"

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answers from Chicago on

When your daughter is old enough to be instructed to address envelopes and has a desire to follow through with this kind of thing, then it will have value as a teaching and quality time with your child tool.

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answers from Chicago on

Don't worry about breaking it. Who has time for all this?? I have only followed through with a couple in my life and have received NOTHING in return. Don't feel guilty. It's a waste of time, in my humble opinion.

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answers from Chicago on

Don't do it. I ignore requests from people I don't know well, and send a polite note saying I don't do chain letters to friends or family who send a request. I would rather people not think of me as the person who will participate.

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answers from Chicago on

We got the letter last year from a friend and we did it because it was a fun kid activity and my daughter was excited about it. We got one pack of stickers back. As a post-script, we just got another letter that we are going to let go.

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answers from Chicago on

knowing many people break it, I sent out double the amount of requests that were asked and only received 1 back in return. It's a nice idea, but most people don't do it so in the end, you might just get one back - if that.

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answers from Champaign on

Was it really from her preschool? That seems irresponsible. I would expect it to be from a friend at preschool. Brake it. Who will know? If your daughter wants to send stickers or a picture to a cousin or Grandma, etc, to it for fun, not because of a chain.

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answers from Chicago on

I have gotten similar chain requests before and like a dope I have done them and NOT ONCE ever got anything in return. I wouldn't bother.

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answers from Chicago on

Seriously, just break it and don't give it a second thought. You will not be the only one who doesn't do it. The same thing happened when my daughter was in preschool. I decided to follow the directions and send out the stickers according to the instructions and we got nothing back. Don't waste your valuable time on this!

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answers from Rockford on

I am sure it is very dissappointing to these little kids as the majority of you say break it so the child who sent it to yours will be very sad. Most of you don't have time to do this for your child, however you have time to come on here and talk about it hmmm.....



answers from Chicago on

I know what you mean but she is only in preschool and it does get more time comsuming as she gets older, weither we are busy or not or just have better things to do it is important for us to let our children know we are there to help them. I would just take the few minutes and get it done and over with.



answers from Detroit on

I have 2 kids that got something like this... They decided they wanted to do it... So it took all of 5 minutes to copy, stuff and address those 6 envelopes each and they picked out 2 packs of stickers each to send to their friends they got it from... So we were out 10 minutes, $4.- and the cost of 12 stamps... They sent them out... And waited... and waited... and waited.
They NEVER got anything back...

Just do it. While you are sitting down watching tv next time you could be addressing envelopes. :-) There are so many "little" wastes of time but seeing your child as they realize someone sent THEM mail and the excitement of their opening it is like a birthday to them!!!

They are not asking you to make a blanket or something that takes lots of time to do... And the kids LOVE it!

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