Sticker Club Chain Letter?

Updated on July 30, 2011
K.. asks from Phoenix, AZ
13 answers

My DD just gone one in the mail. It's a cute concept, but I will readily admit that I am not the best at things like this. I am going to have DD participate, because that mommy guilt is a killer.

Anyway, my DD is an only child, and almost all of her friends have siblings, most of which DD plays with, by default. If I send one of the letters to her actual friend, do I need to send one to the sibling, too? I am clueless when it comes to the multiple kid dynamic. Someone please enlighten me.

Thanks, mamas!

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So What Happened?

Ha ha! Wow, Debbie Downers, much? Looks like some of us need a happy pill :-)

I guess I'm really not surprised that some of y'all would find something negative to say about the controversial topic of... STICKERS!! Oh, the horror! Call the kiddie sticker cops on me!!

Anyone have an answer to the actual question that I asked?

I hope everyone has a BEAUTIFUL & POSITIVE day!!

DD is 5.... she wanted to do it. She is too young to do everything herself, though, unfortunately.

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answers from Medford on

Im not a big fan of chain stuff, but I can see how cute/fun it can be with stickers for a young girl . I think if shes friends with one child, but happens to play with the siblings you can do either If you do send to all the brothers and sisters then their M. will have to try and find enough kids to send letters to from each of her kids,,making it tougher on her. Id send to just the friend and let it be her special thing, and not always having to share with her siblings. It just seems like theyd like to get something all their own now and then. Have fun with it.

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answers from San Diego on

Why do you feel guilty? I never forward these on. No one is grateful to receive them. You should feel more guilty about perpetuating the mommy guilt onto your friends!

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answers from San Francisco on

I like your "so what happened" too! Oh, my gosh, sheesh, they're stickers for God's sake!!!! If you get arrested, I'll help post your bail. (BTW, I've gotten many negative responses too, which NEVER contain an answer or suggestion I was asking for. There's so much negativity, assumptions, and plain old lack of reading comprehension skills.)
My daughter has received this sticker club letter, and it is cute and fun. We've participated, but unfortunately, she's never received any stickers. I wouldn't include siblings.

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answers from Dallas on

Wow! I can't believe how some people can turn something so harmless into something so rude. Sheesh. I thought I was bitchy today...

To answer your question, in my opinion, no, you are not obligated to send one to the siblings! As an example, my daughters are three years apart and their birthdays are two weeks apart so I usually have one big birthday party (probably won't next year now that they are a bit older but they are only 4 and 7 so I have gotten away with it so far). My older daughter sends invites from just her to her friends so that her friends are not obligated to buy a present for her little sister also, and vice versa.

Have a great day! Hope that helps!

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answers from Toledo on

My DD recieved one of these and the mommy guilt got me too, so I sent hem all out...she didnt get any back!

No you do not need to enclude a sibling

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answers from Chicago on

I may grow warts on my nose and my luck is ruined FOREVER, but I have never, and will never, forward a chain letter. Not even on email.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I would say no, dont send to siblings. You are putting that mother in a tough spot if you send it to more than one child. Then she has to find double the people and buy double the stickers.
I love your "so what happened" You know stickers might take over the world if we let these chain letters get out of control :-P I think it is a fun idea!

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answers from Phoenix on

My personal opinion is that you do not need to send one to the sibling as well. In my family I try to make it clear to my girls that they are individuals. They will have friends that overlap because all the kids in the neighborhood play together, but in the end it's the same age friend who is the "real friend." I hope that makes sense. Children need to learn that they will not always get exactly what their siblings do.



answers from Yuma on

I had the same dilema. I ended up adressing the letter to all the kids in a family. Easier all the way around ~except then you have to find 10 families :)

It worked well for us the first time it came kids were SO excited to get mail! It was fun for me to see where all the stickers were mailed from. Hope it works out.


answers from San Francisco on

I think the "Debbie Downers" are just recalling all those awful chain letters of their childhoods, I remember them well :(
If it came to your daughter let her participate if she wants to, but why would YOU be sending the letters, didn't it come to her? Let her decide who to she wants to send them to.


answers from Chicago on

Chain letters are illegal. Ask your postmaster if you doubt this. If I get them I toss them in the recycle bin.



answers from Los Angeles on

I did it... We just handed out/sent the letter to families, but we had to give the letter to 10 other people (way way too many!!). I'm one of those people that didn't just want to hand the letter off to the first 10 kids cause i really wanted a good response and I didn't want to "break" it if i didn't have to. Welllll.... I did get the letter out of 6 other moms, who had kids who were old enough to enjoy the idea, that said that they would do it and we NEVER got any stickers.

The second time I got asked to take a letter (don't know how, but some other friend ended up with it) I refused to take it. The mom was understanding and even came back to me later about what a poor response her kid got back.

I think its a cute concept too... but there has to be an easy way of doing it.

And yea the post office frowns on such thing, mainly because people were sending chain letters asking to send real money. This in my mind is different, nobody is getting rich off a package of stickers.....



answers from Cleveland on

I would say if you know enough people to send it out to then you wouldnt' have to, but if you have to send it to 12 people and are only close to 4 then you could include siblings, see my logic?

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