My ob is in live oak. His name is Dr. Daniel Valdez. He is on Toepperwein road. He truely is concerned about the comfort and well being of you and your unborn child. My children's dr is Southwest center For Pediatric Care. They are located on Stone Oak. It is kind of a drive but well worth it! The best Drs there are Dr. Daniel Trevino and Dr. A. (don't know how to spell his name. Its something like Aschelmann. If you say Dr. A they know who you are talking about.) Dr. Trevino is an excellent Dr. and Dr. A explains everything to you and makes you feel very comfortable and informed! They both OB & Peds. go to St. Luke's Hospital. Its kinda far but all the rooms are private, the maternity ward if fairly new, your child stays with you the whole time of your stay instead of them taking them back to the nursery(unless thats what you want) and you can choose what and when you want your meals! I urge you to really take the time to take everyones suggestions and set up interviews with all the drs and hospitals. Pediatrician also goes to North Central Baptist. I have a friend who is a ped nurse there. They are good too.