Here's what worked for our family. Give them choices, 2 choices for everything. This way the children feel in control. Children get tired of feeling like they have no control over their lives. The key is to give 2 choices, each one you are happy with. This way they feel like they have control and you are happy either way. This even works for discipline. Basically, kids know when they've disobeyed and know that punishment is them a choice on what punishment helps them feel some control in their lives. We started this very young and our girls are now 22, 18 and 16. They are very well behaved young ladies.
When you want the boys to help with some chores...You say, we are doing chores today...would you like to clean the den or unload and reload the dishwasher?
When they say, you know that behavior is not allowed at our house, I'm sorry you made that decision, would you rather have no TV for a week or help clean out the garage (or whatever you choose to insert for the choices).
By making rules very clear, this takes the pressure off of you because they will soon realize that the choice is theirs. You aren't the one "getting them in trouble" they are the ones "getting themselves in trouble" by the choices they make. By giving them choices in so many other areas of their lives, it helps them to understand how much control they have to stay out of trouble.
Good luck!