Base/Foundation For Freckles

Updated on May 16, 2010
B.S. asks from Spring, TX
13 answers

Can anyone recommend a good base/foundation for freckles--one that will last all day? Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the answers but I would love to cover them up. As a child I was make fun of and have always hated them...using creams or whatever to try to lighten them. Several guys I have dated in the past and my husband say they like them but in my mind I just don't see how that is possible. I feel like it is a major defect and would be much prettier without them.

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answers from Indianapolis on

I'm so there with you Brenda.......but you know what, I learned along time ago.........Most all people think freckles are cute, sexy, unique and so I finally gave up trying to cover them face had so much makeup on it that when I put my had to my face, the skin didn't even match at all!!!! And I have freckles everywhere..........

So, take it from someone who has had them for many years, just go with them and realize that they make you who you are, just like the rest of you.........My husband told me I just wouldn't be me without my beautiful freckles.........been married to him almost 29 what can I say.........
Take care and good luck........

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answers from Portland on

Keep em out and proud! :) Freckles are adorable and can be sexy- you just have to have the attitude and confidence for them and people will notice. :)

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answers from Houston on

Try MAC foundation. They have different ones that range from light to medium and even heavy coverage. I get dark spots on my face from breakouts that last months and the MAC foundations really help. You can go in any MAC store and they will color match you and put the foundation on you. If you think it's not enough coverage, you can try another one and never have to buy anything. They have a wonderful selection of colors and coverage levels. The heavy coverage one comes in a compact and can be applied with a sponge or foundation brush.

Good luck!



answers from Portland on

I always had loads of freckles, and many young men told me they found them charming and/or sexy. I never believed it and tried to hide them. Now I see younger women who are freckled and proud of it, and I think they look fabulous.

I still have freckles, but they are hiding in my wrinkles. I kinda miss them. I don't use foundation, so no ideas there. But I agree with ZsMomma – be proud of them. They are part of what makes you uniquely you.



answers from Houston on

I am a true redhead with freckles, though I lucked out and have the small light ones. Wearing base made me sweat and streak, so as a young teen I did not wear it for very long. I just use a light blush to blend things together and go. I felt very 'fortunate' in that growing up, after being in the sun, my freckles would blend together and I actually would tan...of course, in the teen years I would work up slowly each day for my golden tan look...had to, because I life guarded and taught swimming lessons for years. Now my daughter was raised to lather on the sunscreen (she inherited the big freckles from her paternal grandmother) and stay out of the sun...her solution now is to spray a tan on. Now days, I make sure my moisturizer has a high SPF number, and I wear a hat if I am out, but I prefer the cool shade these days.



answers from Savannah on

I have freckles and I don't cover them either. I have a neighbor who is horrified by hers...she wears Bare Essentials and says it works well. But I've been told by several men and women that freckles are adorable or beautiful.



answers from Fort Wayne on

Just wait, Brenda! how old are you? I have never been self conscious so to speak about my freckles, but always wished I didn't have them...all the way through my twenties. Now, I'm 33, and honestly, I never ever ever even think about my freckles, and I have lots of them! I actually really like that I have them because my kids can see that my freckles make me different and I have no problem with them, in fact, I tell them they're angel kisses just for fun! I think about the time you hit 30, you really just stop hangin onto any kind of body image problems, and embrace who you are....the 30's are the BEST!! Now, I'm not saying that if you're overweight or something, that you're just going to magically accept it at 30, but I'm talking about women like me that used to pick at certain things about their bodies when they were younger. I did the same thing it sounds like you're doing. I used to try different creams, foundations, even had laser treatment done one time just because I was curious if it would actually work! I'm glad it didn't though, because I seriously have grown to love them! I love how even if I haven't tanned for a long time, I still have color to my face.



answers from Houston on

I have freckles and uneven skin tone, I use Bare Minerals and it really evens everything out. It covers blemishes and freckles and for me it lasts all day, even outside in the hot humidity. I also like that it is good for my skin and has a natural sun protectant in it.

You can get them at the Ulta cosmetics store an d Sephora. I'm sure other places have it now too.



answers from Sherman on

I LOVE LOVE our new soft focus makeup Arbonne)... it feels so good and even when you have to put on a little more to cover freckles.. it doesnt feel like your wearing makeup at all.. actually the scientist that developed it says our skin acts and breaths the same way with and without it on ... love love love it call me if you need to ... ill give you the first one at my cost so you can try it.... ###-###-#### or you can order from good luck



answers from Missoula on

I have freckles too, and most of the time I don't try to cover them up. When I do put on makeup I like the loose powder base by Jane Iredale. to find retailers in your area.



answers from San Antonio on

I use sheer cover for my freckles. It allows me to cover them up completely or just a little depending on how much I use.



answers from Austin on

I recommend Bare Minerals. You can purchase a year's supply at places like Ulta and department stores in the mall. It can be expensive but it definitely does the job.
Hope this helped,



answers from Dallas on

Freckles make you unique, My kids refer to them as Angel kissed.

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