Dear P.,
My heart goes out to this couple and this family. My husband and I lost our first son, Cole, when he was born still at 32 1/2 wks. The emotions one goes through, cannot be explained. It truly did help to get cards of sympathy from soo many people because when you go through something like losing a baby so early on, it really makes you feel like, well people recognize that this is such a big loss. Like even though he was with us for such a short amount of time, he mattered. It's great that you want to send something to this family. Flowers are a great idea. We also received a couple books, Mommy Please don't cry, by Linda Deymaz and the next place by warren hanson. It was something we could hold onto and really touched us. If you are unsure if those books are appropriate for this family, I also received a few beautiful pictures of little angels (little boy angels with frogs or out in the forest) and an angel statue of a little boy on a cloud, that really mean a lot to me. These are just ideas, but even just sending the flowers with a little note of your heartfelt sympathy for the loss of their little one is a beautiful gesture.