I have a student in my class (pre-k) who has been evaluated and it is believed that he has auditory processing disorder. We used a FM system once (it broke) and it worked wonders. Unfortunately the pre-k special ed people weren't able to get it fixed. I also moved him to the front of the class so he would be right in front of me when I was giving directions, and tried to show him what to do rather than just telling him. With this particular child I have to repeat things over and over, break it down into 1 step at a time directions, and show him as much as I can. When teaching him new concepts I try to involve all the senses when possible. For example when learning letters say the letter, show the letter, make the letter with something textured and feel it, make the letter out of food and eat it or eat something that starts with that letter, etc. The internet is full of good information on auditory processing disorders. Hope this helps!