I have not had the procedure done but I am a nurse who has worked in an office/surgi-center where it was performed. I can tell you that almost all of my patients who had it done ended up with very positive results. Most of the women had been suffering from long, heavy, painful periods for years for seemingly no reason. After the procedure, most had very light or almost no period at all (for several years). I am not aware of any serious long-term problems...I can only remember one patient who did not really have much relief from the ablation (she ended up with a hyst). As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and benefits that you and your doctor must weigh, but this really is a straightforward, simple procedure.
I understand what you mean about the unnatural part - any type of messing around "down there" seems kind of strange. What I always told patients was that you need to really think about the quality of life issue - are you really suffering from the periods, do they get in the way of you normal, daily activities? Do you feel like they are hindering you from living life well? (I know, I sound like some kind of brochure here!!!) But really, do the research, talk to your doc and follow your gut. You will make the right decision!
Good luck,