I applaud you so much for being so authentic - there are so many of us out there that feel like you do, no matter what age or accomplishments we have. People feel isolated by our own lives, unless we really get to know the people we are around, we are just mere acquaintances passing each other by, and real friends are hard to make later in life.
Sometimes for me, it just took so much effort to load all the stuff out to get out of the house, that I would rather just stay in. And it wasn't good for my self esteem to be around the other moms who were super-organized women who totally thrived on just being a mom. But it really wasn't good for my self esteem to isolate myself either . . .
I have always had my own passion and hobbies, and my own businesses that I worked on at home, during the nap times. I definitely think you need something to feel passionate about -- something to get you from one diaper to the next! So that you realize your own self-worth goes deeper than just the very giving role that you are playing in your life right now.
Before you try drugs or expensive therapy, check out the life coaching at www.MyLifeCompass.com. Surround yourself with encouraging women, and work through the daily 5 minute action plans on Life Balance (I did the Remodel Your Reality series and it saved me from a nervous breakdown. not that I actually changed much in my life, just shifted how I viewed the situation and my own feelings of self worth).
Please email me if I can help. I don't think you are depressed because you care enough about yourself to post your message! You've just become buried under your new life, and this new role you are playing (while your mate has not really changed as much as you from the experience), that you have forgotten who you are deep inside, instead you have become completely focused on your other tiny being, which is also good, but not if it causes you to forget yourself. . . and you know at 25 I didn't even know who I was to begin with, and that would have caused me even more confusion to be in your spot.
Another tip: I started focusing each day on 1 thing I wanted to accomplish that made me feel good. Just 1 thing - no matter how small. And then I celebrated at the end of the day!
Oh, and I LOVE listening to paraliminal CDs when I fall asleep. It is so different than what I thought hypnosis was. I especially love Lisa Nichols CD "You deserve it". I became hooked on these tapes when I did Hypnobabies with my last birth - it's such a peaceful way to fall deeply asleep fast. A very efficient way to sleep when you get less than 7 hours of time each night!