I've been in your situation and I made him move out and stay with the "friends" who he was partying with. After a few weeks he realized that he was really too old for htat and it seems like he grew up a little. he was able to get his own apt. because he wanted to be closer to the kids. The government will help you! you have children and you can get assistance of ALL kinds. there is WIC, and food stamps and insurance for free. hell, they'll even pay for your school and daycare. You just have to find the resources because trust me they are out there. you don't need to live with this man for another year to make it. we pay taxes for a reason and you deserve to get help to get on your feet. somesay, you'll be working in a high paying job and pay more taxes so that you can help someone like yourself!
Please remember that you are not alone. My family is all in Ohio, so i know how it feels. call DSHS, and the WIC office and they'll help you get started.
good luck and hang in there. It's worth it to go without for a little while so that you can get free:)