This is going to be a very difficult time for you. I went through something similar. Me and my husband went through divorce. My daughter was 7 or 8 at the time. My son was barely 1, so it didn't effect him as much. My daughter rebelled. She faught, argued, tried to run away, was very depressed.
I brought her to a therapist. It took a while to find one that was good, that wanted to work with us. The first 3 said that there was nothing wrong with her. The one we ended up going to did lots of tests, questions, spoke with her and then spoke with me. Spoke to both of us at the same time. She really wanted to get to the bottom of it. Eventually, my daughter was diagnoised with moderate to severe depression, ADD (attention defict disorder) and ODD (oppositional defiance disorder). I spoke to many people about this, put her on medication, after careful review and consideration. We continued the therapy for a few years. She was finally taken off the meds once she was getting better and I learned how to effectivly deal with her behavior. She is no longer on meds and I watch for the signs of depression.
It is extreemly important to catch depression before it gets too bad, especially in children. I would suggest bringing her to a therapist. You will have to be pacient and try many before finding the right one.
The one I went with has a degree or whatever in marriage therapy, children psycology, and family therapy. She is located in Elk River. Let me know if that is convenient for you, and I can give you more information.
If you want to talk, you can email me anytime at ____@____.com
Good luck. -M.