I would stop expecting a caring relationship from him. I am guessing you will never get it, so it's better to not expect anything. You know, my dad never once visited either of his siblings or his dad when I was growing up. He never ONCE took my brother and I to meet any of my cousins or aunts/uncles. My grandpa visited us occasionally at least, so we did get to know him before he died. When my cousins got married my dad did not go (his sister's kids)...his excuse is always he can't afford it (even though he always had a good job). Some people are just like this. You know what is even sadder...my dad didn't even come to my wedding be he and my stepmom claimed they could not afford it. It would have cost them practically nothing. Yet they spent $30,000 on both my stepsister's weddings. Some people just suck.